Chart-topping centenarian Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised some £32m for to help the UK's National Health Service cope with the demands of the coronavirus pandemic, has become a customer of waste management company, Waste King - thanks to the BBC.
Announcement of Trillion Trees: The Game; a future game and platform for game developers, gamers and game publishers in connection with biodiversity, reforestation, species protection, climate protection and environmental protection.
SMi Group’s 13th annual Energy from Waste conference will feature a range of case studies presented by experts from the industry, to explore real-life examples and applications of the latest EfW technologies and concepts.
One of the UK’s largest packaging suppliers has released another initiative to help give back to the planet and become more environmentally conscious. Working with the Eden Reforestation Project; Davpack has promised to plant one tree for every single one of their orders going forward, no matter the size or spend.
SMi Group’s 13th annual Energy from Waste conference will feature presentations which highlight how the industry is striving to achieve a low carbon emissions future.
Recycling Conference 2020 is planning to provide a platform for young researchers to present their rebellion in the field of Recycling and Waste Management. There are many key sessions on advanced topics related to the subject with Keynote lectures, oral presentations, Poster Presentations, E-posters and workshops. It would be an inspiration for the young researchers for their professional career.
SMi Group’s Energy from Waste conference will feature a presentation on the waste-to-energy plant at Klemetsrud from Fortum Oslo Varme’s director of CO2 capture and storage.
To celebrate our return we are offering a special price on grid-tied systems. Get a 2.17 kW Grid-Tied PV system fully installed for a NET cost of €2,995.
Turn On The Scrub
#ECQ #Solar #Philippines #TurnOnTheScrub
Preparing for the New Normal with Solaric #AiRSCRUB
In a few days, we are going to brace for the “New Normal”.
Greening Deserts projects are cultural, economic, educational, scientific, social and sustainable projects to reduce negative climate changes, deforestation, desertification, pollution and global warming on a large scale. The focus is on education, sustainable developments and scientific research. Conservation, environmental protection and species protection plays a very important role, too.
Amalgam Biotech, a Pune based global Biotechnology company collaborates with Pune Municipal Corporation for betterment of sanitation & hygiene at Public Toilets, Bio Toilets & urinals in the densely populated areas of Pune under the Campaign name - #Toilet_Saaf_Toh_Corona_Khalaas
A new way to learn and promote conservation education in the time of Covid-19. A new online platform where students can enroll in PADI and Project AWARE courses, marine conservation workshops and learn about marine life and conservation from the comfort and safety of your home.
SgurrEnergy India has become one of the leading reputed solar engineering consultancy offering 360° services over the complete project lifecycle including feasibility studies, design.
Smart Energy Answers (SEA) is proud to be an authorised dealer of Sungrow inverters. The initiative will enable SEA to continue to empower households to make the transition to cleaner and more affordable energy.
Oizom, Ahmedabad, is an Environmental IoT company. Offering end-to-end solutions using our environmental data monitoring and Analytics capabilities. Oizom solutions are developed for various Government, Commercial and Industrial applications.
A cost effective method, leaving no environmentally harmful footprint behind, manages Harmful Algae and Algae Blooms while being completely chemical free and safe for all other animals and plants.
Environment friendly materials made from tomato skin help to reduce the burden on the environment caused by the use of non-degradable and non-recyclable materials. In this paper, the water vapor barrier performance of the film material made from tomato skin was tested.