Late in March China made a whole host of reforms looking to spur growth in the renewable energy sector. Below are the main points drawn from the report.
A poster on water quality outcomes achieved using the EPA's patented microbial source tracking (MST) techniques was presented by Source Molecular at a conference in Louisiana.
Oceans 2 Earth Volunteers (O2E) is a not for profit wildlife volunteering organisation and facilitates amazing volunteering and adventure travel experiences for ethically minded animal and conservation lovers.
The PLEEC project is a three-year international research project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission. 18 partners from 13 European countries are collaborating to make European cities more energy efficient.
Beach Oil Minerals Partners has been formed to provide a "much-needed infusion of capital and resources" to ensure the success of the Los Cerritos Wetlands restoration and oil consolidation project.
Club Enerji, Tata Power's nationwide movement, has been constantly working towards spreading the message of being responsible citizens by conservation of energy resources across the country.
Please enter a unique summary that best describes your press release. Please DO NOT copy and paste the top Clearwater, FL - On April 22nd, environmental speakers, activists, and concerned citizens joined together to acknowledge those protecting the Earth and encouraged renewed efforts at the Earth Day reception held at the Historic Bank of Clearwater, Downtown Clearwater from 6-8pm.portion of you.
Club Enerji, Tata Power's nationwide movement, has been constantly working towards spreading the message of being responsible citizens by conservation of natural resources across the country.
Foamlinx has teamed up with FoamRecycle to provide foam recycling programs and solutions to individuals and to companies. The services include accepting drop off as well as pick up of excess foam, as well as foam recycling equipment rentals.
Flight of the Gibbon is searching for new sites in Mae Kampong for its 2016 tree planting initiative, following the successful tree planting event in 2015.
It's burning season across much of South East Asia and farmers are clearing farm land and forest leaves ready for new planting to occur. Flight of the Gibbon has been working to help alleviate some of the problems associated with this practice in Northern Thailand by building firebreaks in the village of Mae Kampong.
On 8 March 2016 the PLEEC´s Final Conference „PLANNING FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT CITIES - how to achieve the Sustainable Energy Smart City" will present the latest research findings on sustainable city planning and energy efficiency.
SWAT Environmental, nationwide radon mitigation company, held their 2016 Annual Franchise Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, on February 17th and 18th. The conference featured a variety of industry leaders, goal planning for 2016 and reflection on 2015. Predicting growth of 25% in 2016 over 2015, SWAT Environmental is commitment to helping create healthy and safe communities across the nation.
ElectraTherm, a leader in distributed, waste heat to power generation, shipped the Power+ Generator 4400 to a chicken farm in the United Kingdom, its second application in the country to utilize biomass to generate emission-free electricity.
The Magic Thermodynamic Box Company are pleased to announce that The Little Magic Thermodynamic Box which saves homeowners up to 80% on domestic hot water day and night now has the Micro Generation Certification Scheme (MCS) approval.
Research has been underway since June 2015 to determine if the colorful oriental pied hornbill can be successfully re-introduced into jungle one hour outside Chiang Mai, Thailand. The hornbill may soaring again in Mae Kampong under the supervision of Dr. Pilai Poonswad, founder the Hornbill Research Foundation at Mahidol University and Flight of the Gibbon Zipline Eco-adventure tours based there.
EMLab P&K sponsors the IAQA Indoor Environmentalist Course at its Irvine, California laboratory. The indoor air quality (IAQ) training course is taught by Ian Cull of Indoor Sciences.