PMVC Fund is delighted to see that EFTS Physical Palladium Shares have increased an incredible14.9% so far in September and the trend looks set to rise again. This month has seen the palladium spot price hover around the $1,061 per ounce, its highest level in more than seven months.
With tea plantations being one of the foremost agricultural dominions in this country, the consumption of tea is also humongous. However, very few of us show concern regarding the elements which are vehemently used in tea farming, be it fertilizers, pesticides or insecticides.
Indus Valley Public School students attended and enjoyed All India Asteroid Search Campaign on 13th July 2018 at ASN Senior Secondary School, New Delhi conducted by Space Technology.
Water, Air and Food Awards (WAFA) targets breakthrough low-tech, high impact, local innovations for clean water, clean air and nutritious food. There are 10 finalists this year from Bangladesh, Chile, Cameroon, Colombia, Honduras, India, Kenya, Nigeria and Nicaragua competing for the awards.
The acquisition will help Clarion Water Technologies to expand its industrial activity and reinforce its offer in innovative solutions for industrial clients.
Embodying their motto, “Something Can Be Done About It”, Florida’s Scientology Volunteer Ministers (VMs) took to Orange Blossom trail in Orlando early Saturday morning April 21st for a major cleanup effort.
Biodiversity Congress 2018 is a global platform to discuss and learn about Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation and allied fields. The upcoming Biodiversity Congress 2018 is going to be held at Mercure Albert park, Melbourne,Australia on July 26-27, 2018. Eminent professors, researchers, scholars, scientists and students working on Biodiversity and allied fields are going to gather at this meet.