SynciOS for Mac is a newly developed freeware which functions well in high-speed data transfer, backup and restore between iOS devices and Mac. Besides, it's simple and smart in data management of iDevices like accessing iOS file system, extracting iTunes backup.
Recently Anvsoft Inc. released a new version of their professional phone to phone transfer software - Syncios Data Transfer version 1.1.8 which is more compatible with iOS 9 and iTunes 12.2.
Webdior solution is now with Chinastepone, well-known brand of China which has the remarkable stand in Chinese mobile manufacturing as they are providing preloaded applications.
Optimalon's free web-based application for cutting optimization (CutList) introduces a new method to generate a cutting sequence that minimizes panel stock rotations, thus reducing total job time. A maximum layout size option has also been added to account for cutting machine hardware limitations.
Wise Netizen ( , has launched their first-ever drawing contest focusing on educating young kids about Internet Safety rules. The competition starts from 25th April 2015 for Indian kids below 14 years old., an online business company which specializes in creating websites online for individuals and businesses, announced they have reached 10 years of continuous service today. The CEO and Founder, Dan Doherty led the celebrations alongside his partners and employees.
Continents Apart, LLC, The Drop Ship Reps ,, has come to an agreement as exclusive drop ship reps for Wedgewood Furniture by GWC Design Inc.
A new website and online store has emerged in CA, called Rocking Boutique. The store combines top of the line designers' clothes with low budget prices. It offers its customers a complete look from head to toe, including all clothing items with all the accessories to go with it. The website is very user friendly, colorful, and fun, suitable to all sizes from small to plus sizes.
On this new site, interested men bid on dates and women are able to accept or reject accordingly. The site is able to help people meet those they really want to meet! features a unique contest to share the most interesting Instagram cats to follow on the internet. These are hand-selected top cats from any part of the world; the first list of its kind on the web.
The noted bagpiper-turned-author E.A. Channon will appear at the Portland Wizard World Convention in January, sharing his new book, Flesh of the Blood, an action-filled tale of humans, dwarves, magicians and elves working together to rescue a lost girl.
The next generation of baby album, completely digital and supporting all kinds of content, including photos, videos and audio files is available now. It starts off with an introductory offer, which grants first 10 000 BookAgoo members the Pro 4 GB account for free.
Tier.Net Technologies, LLC announced new range of VPS Hosting Solutions with upgrades in RAM, Bandwidth and Storage and now customers have option to select SSD RAID Storage at low price.
BetterTrades, the nation's leading stock market education company, announced at its annual Traders Super Summit that eSignal would become the company's official data provider. The BetterTrades instructors will use eSignal at all their online and on-location education events.
Immersive Infotech is a leading web development and internet marketing company celebrating their 2nd anniversary. One of the planned events to celebrate this anniversary was to visit Mentally Retarded Children's Home in Indore, India. This visit took place on Thursday the 18th September 2014.