The picture of criminals has changed much in the wired world - they are now sophisticated, IT-skilled and tech savvy and use highly advanced techniques to attack and steal confidential personal and financial information.
In June 2014 Quttera has developed and implemented several new ground breaking enhancements to anti-malware monitoring solution adding more control and scalability to webmasters. Customers reporting improved experience in managing website security and collaboration both within the organization and between third parties.
ZeroFOX, The Social Risk Management Company™, today announced the appointment of two new vice presidents, Pano Paschaloudis and Stephen Weis, to augment the company's leadership team and further develop and execute its comprehensive sales vision to foster high volume revenue and dynamic sales growth.
TRUSTe partners with Mobile & App Design Awards, which recognizes innovation and design within the mobile app ecosystem to increase adoption of mobile privacy best practice across the industry.
LawTech Europe Congress is pleased to welcome Digital Information Expert and Attorney Jeffrey Ritter to its Advisory Board. His unique blend of experiences in international and cyber law, information security and governance, e-discovery, and network management, make Jeffrey a perfect fit for this conference on digital evidence, forensic investigations, cyber security, and legal technology.
WordPress bloggers and website owners, who look for running malware free online business and serving secure content to their visitors, can now easily scan their website/blog with "One Click Scan - Scan my website" button. New version of Quttera's free WordPress Web Malware Scanner plugin is further enhanced with malware intelligence constantly gathered worldwide to ensure highest detection rates.
Prologix will be the Master Distributor for vendor's products for the entire UAE as well as the single authorized service and calibration partner for Middle East.
Lock China is the first exhibition on locks as well as the most professional one in China.It has developed itself into China's No.1 lock expo, a professional promotion platform for lock enterprises.
IT specialist and Citrix Gold Solutions Adviser, Blue Chip has partnered with Citrix to present a series of Secure Mobile Working events across the South.
Industry Veteran Brings More Than 25 Years of IT Sales Experience and Channel Expertise to DRaaS Leader. Quorum®, the leading provider of one-click backup, recovery and continuity for the midmarket, today announced a new addition to its executive team.
Quorum gets PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance certification for its DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service) solution. This makes Quorum the first DRaas solution in the industry to attain PCI compliance.
Fleming Gulf's Kingdom Cyber Security Forum scheduled to be held on the 12th and 13th of May 2014 at Hotel Novotel Al Anoud in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; will establish a multi-stakeholder consortium that brings together industry, government and academic interests in an effort to improve the state of cyber security on both a domestic and international level.
Elinext Group, an international alliance of software development companies, created a custom mobile payment app for tablets used in combination with MPED devices.
WeChat and its website receives TRUSTe Certified Privacy Seal & their operations comply with TRUSTe Program Requirements thereby providing high level protection for user information & data privacy.
One Click Authentication is the latest and most innovative Two Factor Authentication system which removes the concept of 'One Time Passwords' and introduces 'One Click Authentication'.
At Visteon, it is all about PEOPLE, CUSTOMER & TECHNOLOGY. It is in everything they do! Visteon chose Touchpoint Visitor Management Software to manage the visitors on premises., a web hosting company with data centers in USA, United Kingdom and Australia, introduces new generation of the shared web hosting security.