Michael Hohf, financial advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER at Advance Capital Management, has been named one of America’s Top Next-Gen Wealth Advisors by Forbes Magazine. The list recognizes the top-performing young advisors at their firms, and the future of the industry.
Operis is now offering two editions of its Operis Analysis Kit (OAK), an Excel add-in for examining spreadsheets and reducing errors. The newly launched OAK Essentials makes available the four key functions of OAK in a simple, affordable package.
Roosboard provides search analytics dashboard with affordable prices for business managers to build and retrieve results quickly. This dashboard instantly fetches the results on your search and shows suggestion as you type.Find out more at htttps://Roosboard.com or follow us on https://www.facebook.com/dashboardforbusiness
Decimal Point's recent article is based on how the current process of rating sovereign risk by rating agencies is based on the neo-liberal frameworks of creditworthiness.
India's leading investment advisor Indices Master claims a return of more than INR 24 lacs on the investment of INR 3 lacs over the period from 2011-2016. The firm gives credit to its stock market advisory service iTrend for this milestone achievement.
Palos Verdes, CA. The Center for Real Estate Studies (CRES) has just released their fourth quarter 2016 issue of "Market Cycles". It gives a forward look at more than 150 income rental markets with "buy and sell" recommendations. This publication gives the real estate investor a two-year head start on where and when to invest in income rental properties.
iTrend is amongst the premium tools for stock market analysis in Indian scenario. It is also one of the few stock trading tools that work effectively and efficiently.
One of the leading business consulting and accounting firms in NYC, Grassi & Co.offers accounting, auditing and tax services, which are focused on solving problems, reducing tax liabilities, easing the financial audit process, managing and planning for growth, and preparing for the future.
The Center for Real Estate Studies (CRES) has just released their third quarter 2016 issue of "Market Cycles". It gives a forward look at more than 150 income rental markets with "buy and sell" recommendations. This publication gives the real estate investor a two-year head start on where and when to invest in income rental properties.
Our exclusive partnership with one of the most reputable law firms in Poland offers our clients throughout the world high-level professional services with utmost integrity and peace of mind encompassing.
The Parker Avery Group and Antuit jointly announce the creation of a strategic partnership to enhance return on investment from advanced retail analytics solutions.