Urtel joins MBAF with more than 34 years of experience leading audit engagements for public and private organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies to privately-held entities.
Atlanta title pawns are available in metro Atlanta and all surrounding suburbs as of September 21st. This Atlanta title pawn provider now performs title pawns in Atlanta with Instant Approvals.
The Apogee Awards honor distinguished leaders in executive management positions who demonstrate exceptional dedication to their occupation, industries and communities.
Steven Morrison, CPA, principal in the Audit Department at nationally recognized public accounting firm MBAF, was appointed to the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Auditing Standards Board for the 2015-2016 year.
Lisa Limonwski, CPA and manager in the Audit Department at nationally recognized public accounting firm MBAF, was recently appointed Treasurer of Women in Financial Services (WIFS) NYC Metro Chapter for the 2015-2016 year.
ezCheckprinting business check writers gives Texas companies the ability to monitor duplicate check numbers and overlapping data by accessing the same database in the network version. Download at www.halfpricesoft.com
Nathan Jurczyk, merchant services company SBGA integrates new business management systems to help streamline payroll for small businesses. Nathan Jurczyk of Small Business Growth Alliance makes payroll easy!
Howard L. Ginsberg, CPA of Ginsberg Wealth Management LLC located in Roslyn NY was one of only two individuals in New York State to ever receive this honor for eleven consecutive years.
Vertidigm is a newly launched website for finance related professionals who can browse through projects and companies who are looking to hire professionals for short-time projects.
AGEM Consultores y Auditores, S.L. is named as a member of global accounting network Russell Bedford International and the Spanish national network Grupo Espaņol Russell Bedford
Analytix Solutions recently announced a successful roll-out of its customized Insight360 portal for Dunkin' Donuts multi-unit franchise MDM LLC Management Group.