Roy I. Levine, CPA/CGMA, Member, Levine, Jacobs & Company, L.L.C., was recently a guest on WCTC ‘Jersey Central’ morning drive show. Roy spoke with Host, Bert Baron, on last minute tax strategies you should be doing to reduce your tax bill come April 2018.
Russell Bedford International member firm Russell Bedford KTC, Hanoi, has again assisted the World Bank in researching its annual Doing Business project.
Russell Bedford International member firm Russell Bedford RCG, Kyiv, has again assisted the World Bank in researching its annual Doing Business project.
This year’s report, Doing Business 2018: Reforming to Create Jobs, shows El Salvador to be the world’s best performer in terms of improvements to its tax regime, up a staggering 105 places.
Shortly after successfully launching a fully functional office in Sofia, Bulgaria, Innovate Tax is proud to announce the opening of its new office in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The new Dutch coalition government has announced the joint policy decisions that it intends to execute in the agreement for the government term of office 2017-2021.
ezCheckPrinting allows QuickBooks users to print checks on blank stock easily. The new edition is compatible with QuickBooks online, 2018, 2017 and previous versions.
Frank Gonzalez, CPA/CFF, managing principal of the Miami office and the principal-in-charge of the Audit Department at the nationally recognized public accounting firm MBAF, has been appointed to Co-Chair of United Way of Miami-Dade’s Tocqueville Society.
Inflo Software has won the prestigious international award for Accountancy Software of the Year at The Accountant & International Accounting Bulletin 2017 awards in London.
Nationally recognized public accounting firm MBAF has been selected as a Best of the Best firm by INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA) for 2017. The firm has earned this designation for the last 16 years consecutively.
Keith Urtel, CPA, the audit principal in charge of quality and risk management at the nationally recognized public accounting firm MBAF, has been appointed associate teaching professor at the Mendoza College of Business at University of Notre Dame.
Europe’s largest exhibition dedicated to all the upcoming technologies and services available for your restaurant business, the Restaurant Tech Live invites Sumit Agarwal, the founder of DNS Accountants to share his recipe and idea for growing your hospitality business.
China’s Thriving Commercial Terminal Display Market : As reported by ASKCI Consulting Co., Ltd, riding the wave of new retail, China’s commercial terminal display industry in the next three to five years will keep a steady growth and be estimated to reap RMB120.5 billion market scale.
David Moshashvili, CPA, has joined nationally recognized public accounting firm MBAF as a principal in the Audit Department, and will be based in the firm’s New York office. The an-nouncement was made by Tony Argiz, Chairman and CEO of MBAF.