Former Mayor of South Beach Reacts to the Apparent Murder-Suicide Involving Coppell, Texas Mayor Jayne Peters. Daoud says Depression Led Him To Consider Taking His Own Life.
Ellena Lynn Lieberman, spiritual educator and author of "The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation As Received Through the Akashic Records," will be interviewed on "Dialogue with the Masters Series" by New York Times best selling author, Janet Bray Attwood, "The Passion Test," on July 22, 2010, 9AM (Central).
Innovative Credit Consultants supports the National Wildlife Federation relief efforts in the Gulf. Innovative Credit Consultants appreciates the volunteers working to restore animal life and the ecosystems disturbed by the oil spill crisis.
With The Upcoming 41st International UFO Symposium, The Kate Valentine UFO Show Was Honored To Have Mr. Clifford Clift, International Director Of The Mutual UFO Network, As Their Guest, Live Friday July 9, 2010.
AppLabs will speak on 'Generating Business Value through Test Center of Excellence (TCoE), in the plenary session of the event's Gurgaon edition on 9th July. The focus will also be on AppLabs' proprietary SCORE (Standardize Centralize Optimize Review Expand) methodology, which is used to deliver its TCoE.
Invitation from would allow comedian to reach a large online audience, have no artistic limits, and not have to deal with douchey executives.
Ask the Cyber-Dating Expert Season Premiere Kicks Off on January 9, 2010 with OkCupid. Valentine's Edition to Feature Love Expert and Bestselling Author, Dr. Diana Kirschner.
Chrystal Callahan - Canadian model, face of Grozny TV and a non-Muslim - wants the world to see Chechen people for their beautiful customs and culture - not dangerous cults within their religion.
The Unclaimed Savings Bond Act of 2009 bill will compel the Federal Government to put the bonds holder records in a digital format and all access to these records of the State Agencies which will then try to locate the owners of these matured unredeemed savings bonds.
For centuries man has been trying to unlock the secret of staying young. And while the "Fountain of Youth" appears beyond our grasp, there are a few daily steps you can take to protect yourself from the effects of toxic exposure; regain the mobility in your bones and joints; preserve the well-being of your eyes, heart, and brain; recharge your body's systems; and restore youthful appearance.
Direct Response Marketers Buystuff TV announced today that it will team up with The Jolt Media Network; a Charlotte based promotional marketing company and distributor of the Vick Dog Chew Toy, to offer for sale on Television the firm’s popular novelty item.
Superior Gold Group released a National Commercial campaign created by an elite Los Angeles production team. The videos detail why this is the time to buy precious metal and why SGG is the company to buy those metals from over all others.
Superior Gold Group is promoting its successful Gold Affiliate program. We are offering a great way for financial advisors to broaden the products they service with precious metals.
Gourmet Gifts is a Northern California based gift basket company and has excelled during holidays such as Father's Day to bring unique gifts for kids to give to Dad to show their appreciation and love. Dad's are tired of the same old gifts and encouraging creativity to make a long lasting impression will bring a smile to Dad's face this Father's Day.
The best Internet Talk Radio Station in the world, Spirit Quest Radio is the First Web Talk Radio Station devoted to Self Improvement, Body & Mind Health, Psychic Support, Environmental and Global Improvement, and Holistic Programming all designed to educate and entertain.
Member companies of the non-profit American Bio Recovery Association cleaned and sanitized the American Civic Associations building in Binghamton, NY where on Friday 13 people were shot dead and four other wounded after which the gunman took his own life.
NPR's "On The Media" has corrected and apologized for a report it aired last fall accusing the executive producer of "The Infinite Mind" public radio series of having known about ethically questionable behavior by the program's host, Dr. Fred Goodwin.