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  • New Love Story released by Samantha Sheridan
  • As she sat at the window, looking out at the skyline and wondering why she had made this trip to New York, she knew it was a long shot that they had connected again. She should have taken her own advice and stayed home. Why had she even come? Sue had not been in a relationship with Mike for over twenty-five years and was not even sure why they were being brought together again.
  • By James Paul Publishing - March 10, 2017  
  • Lyle Little Character Sharing App now free in Itunes
  • Lyle Little is a HD quality interactive digital story book for children 3-8 years old. It has adjustable levels of reading difficulty so as your child's reading comprehension grows so grows the difficulty of the book. The words on the page highlight as the narrator tells the story. There are games built in to the story to challenge and keep your child interested .Take a look for us in the ITunes.
  • By Fishytale - March 07, 2017