"The Bacchanal and Other Horrific Tales" is a chilling collection of modern horror stories. Best read in the dark, these stories will give you a front-row seat to strange supernatural occurrences, psychological thrills, and events you never saw coming. Narrated by Keith McCarthy, this audiobook is now available through Audible and iTunes.
Written by bestselling author Piers Anthony and published by Dreaming Big Publications, "Service Goat" is the fun science-fiction story of a blind little girl and her extraordinary service animal. Narrated by voice actor Corrie Legge, this audiobook is now available through Audible and iTunes.
The book 'Think With Me' happens to be the second book among the trilogy series by Saharasri Subrata Roy Sahara and is available at all leading book stores across India as well as abroad.
Bologna is one of the biggest cities in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. This April 2017, it will host its famous Bologna Children's Book Fair from 3rd to 6th April.
Jason Sherman, a successful entrepreneur who has been running startups for almost a decade has written his methodologies, tactics, strategies and stories in a book which provides an ideal starting point for entrepreneurs who are serious about forming a new company.
A Topeka, Kansas Sprint retailer will support and promote local author, Janet Marie Lewis's new book, Halos for Horseshoes and Other Short Stories, by selling Sprint Customers discounted accessories.
The Church of Terra Sanctuaria proudly present their book, 'Enlighten Your Life: Spiritual Guidance + Life Coaching'. This FREE, groundbreaking, spirituality book helps guide you on your path of enlightenment.
As she sat at the window, looking out at the skyline and wondering why she had made this trip to New York, she knew it was a long shot that they had connected again. She should have taken her own advice and stayed home. Why had she even come? Sue had not been in a relationship with Mike for over twenty-five years and was not even sure why they were being brought together again.
"You Got the Job! Turn Your Career Dreams into Reality" is a breakthrough book and step by step guide to help career professionals to advance their career.
Published by Dreaming Big Publications in collaboration with Orcs Unlimited, "Bugs in the System" is a short story collection based on the world and characters from Orcs Unlimited's role-playing game We Hunt Bugs.
Nigerian writer, Nick Nwaogu, is set to release his third book 'Lagos Through His Eyes' on July 4th. The new adult fiction is one part of his 'Lagos' romance duology, which will also include his fourth book 'From Lagos To Mexico'.
Dada Olayemi, one of the many Nigerian youths inspiring change in his immediate community has written a book published by Omojojolo books another start up set up by another fearless Nigerian youth.
Besides being intriguing, the short stories are amusing and inspiring as well. Written in a language that is so seamless, the book will come across as one of the most refreshing reads this season. Grab your copy today - Badaltey Rishtey.
Lyle Little is a HD quality interactive digital story book for children 3-8 years old. It has adjustable levels of reading difficulty so as your child's reading comprehension grows so grows the difficulty of the book. The words on the page highlight as the narrator tells the story. There are games built in to the story to challenge and keep your child interested .Take a look for us in the ITunes.
The GOP made a deal with Beelzebub after Barack Obama's 2008 election. In Barack vs. the Anti-PC: Laying the Groundwork for a 2016 Donald Trump Presidential Run, Tom Ersin chronicles how the Republican Party inadvertently enabled Trump's rise to power and his takeover of their party.
A true account of the night 5th of February 1992, on the 25th anniversary of the infamous Nirvana concert at the ANU Bar Canberra. A night where the doors were ripped off their hinges by the crowd wanting to get in.
The Trade Show Chronicles is a unique book - written like a novel, it teaches you everything you need to know about business event management while following the fictional story of Andrew, young salesman in charge of his company's booth.