Authors Duke Johnson and Ting Tsu Yu offer readers original concepts with transformative potential to improve modern culture, including: Creator Currency Octaves, Compassionate Meritocracy, and xCents.
A solution to the 'hard problem' of human consciousness has finally been found, explaining how our minds work. In his new book, 'Nevermind: You, deconstructed', British author R R Deehan provides a simple and testable answer to a question that has long puzzled scientists and philosophers:- how do our minds bootstrap their way to consciousness?
A Social Exposition through Short Fictions using real life experience as an immigrant in USA. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to read someone's mind? Perhaps it would frighten you. Or maybe, it would terrify others knowing you can discern their darkness thoughts. 40 days & 40 nights part of a short fictions collection using the reality is now available.
What You Need to Know to Have a Successful Business School Partner Life. Mona Bijjani is proud to offer her new book The Unofficial Guide to B-School Partner Life, hitting Amazon worldwide.
Imagine kneeling beside still waters, lifting your prayer up for consideration and seeing the answer right before your eyes? This is what happens to several of the faithful children in first time author Michelle Nadasi’s new book "The Praying Pond".
Brook Picken will team with Celebrity Book Club, an innovative book publishing company, and several leading experts from around Australia to release the book, “Think Big”.
Mark Jackson will team with Celebrity Book Club, an innovative book publishing company, and several leading experts from around Australia to release the book, “Think Big”.
Jay Martynov will team with Celebrity Book Club, an innovative book publishing company, and several leading experts from around Australia to release the book, “Think Big”.
Bernadette Eichner will team with Celebrity Book Club, an innovative book publishing company, and several leading experts from around Australia to release the book, “Think Big”.
Marcio Garcia de Andrade, owner and founder of 99th Floor LLC, understands the problem most people encounter when applying for unsecured financing. Hes been in the financial services for more than a decade and knows well the secrets to getting the financing you need.
A new book,The Wealth of a Nation by T.B. O'Neill takes place in a dystopian era when jobs are gone and the government is no longer constitutionally restrained; where its citizens are like the rabble of Roman times; and the path a lawyer takes to challenge political corruption and a shadow government exercising extra-constitutional power.
At a Crossroads: Finding the Right Psychotherapist (Even if You Already Have One) became an Amazon International Number 1 Best Seller, by Linda Tucker, PsyD, LCSW, as the insider's guide to finding the very best help when you need it most.
The Royal Publisher of Oz ( has announced the availability of its new publication, Black Sabbath: The Illustrated Lyrics Vol 2: Songs of Protest & Apocalypse. The book is available on and
My Crazy Undercover Life: Secret Agents Battling Evil in America, by Mike Clawson, peers into the often bizarre world of an undercover agent fighting the forces of evil in America.