Against the backdrop of the 1995 merger of the NYC Transit and Housing Police Departments into the New York City Police Department, this is the story of a Transit Police Lieutenant who abruptly finds himself performing a job no cop wants to do; namely, investigating other cops.
Author Eno Edet will release in first quarter 2018, The Diary of Mister Eno, which chronicles the characters and life in New Orleans through the eyes of Mister Eno. The book will consist of folklore, stories, and poetry based on the people and the situations he finds himself in while discovering the city of New Orleans.
First published March of this year in paperback and ebook format, we are pleased to announce Bugs in the System is now available in Audio narrated by Rick Gregory!
This unique state-of-the-art multi-media instructional book is from a renowned global expert on ancient mind-body practices who has taught them in many of the world's largest health institutions and corporations. His book and DVD have changed people's lives worldwide, and his approach to these ancient arts is a very modern, user-friendly, science based approach to these proven ancient tools.
Greg Furie, outspoken, artist and creator of "Pierre," the only spirit portal painting in the world, has written a novel called Wee Wee’s World starring “Pierre,” to keep his spirit alive.
Mr Xin WANG is the most authorise translator of , who broke the bottleneck of this British lullaby. After more than 50 years, the Chinese children finally can know this best British song with correct lyrics meaning. Mr Xin WANG finished all the these just in 19 years old.
Have you suffered failure, loss, betrayal, or just feel like you don’t measure up? If you want to know how Emmy Award-winning journalist Romona Robinson weathers these storms and achieves her success, “A Dirt Road to Somewhere” provides the answers.
Love in the Lydia Devereaux College, by Ben Korgen, ends this crazy rom-com series with the most outlandish Rudy shenanigans yet of the Sorghum Series.
Rumbles from the Ocean: It's Time to Wake Up, by Ben Korgen, enlightens and teaches about a complex subject and deals with the "what should we do?" problem concerning our world's oceans in today's changing climate.
Written by bestselling author Piers Anthony collaborated with Kenneth Kelly and published by Dreaming Big Publications, Virtue Inverted is a sorcery book that every young adult will want to read! It is currently available in paperback and ebook copies.
This concise full-color examination of The Declaration of Independence is perfect for all ages and especially for those interested in history, the use of language, and logic.