Ananth Jayaram and Preeti Ramachandran have come up with their first romantic fiction novel, first time by a husband-wife duo in fiction category. The book takes you through the past and present of Anita and Neel's lives, replete with incidences of infatuation, love, lust, duplicity, revenge and obsession.
Zadunajsky started out writing children’s books before she accomplished and published her first novel, Broken Promises, in June 2012. She then has written several more novels and her first novella, HELP ME! which is a subject about suicide and bullying.
This new exciting and stimulating book features stories from around the world: Europe, Eastern Europe, Egypt, Indonesia, several U.S. cities, and South America. It gives summaries of a selection of the stories and lists current sales and where to buy it. If you don't have a vacation coming, read this book.
Dr. Kalyan Kankanala's recent novel, The Dravidian, God's Own Tribe, is among the top sellers on the Amazon Kindle store. It is now among the top ten best sellers in Historical Thriller and Cultural Heritage categories.
This relaxing and educational adult coloring book is perfect for real estate appraisers, realtors, real estate agents, homebuyers and house lovers. It features 28 original Early American and Victorian house illustrations with architectural call outs - making it easy to learn and relax at the same time. Written Kate and Henry Harrison - two best-selling authors and a father/daughter team.
The International Research Society for Children's Literature (IRSCL) issues a Statement of Principles on Universal Children's Day (November 20, 2017) in response to ways in which contemporary geopolitics impinge on academic freedom.
The fantastic novel created by a young Ukrainian dreamer. Feldmarshal novel will allow you to be at the source of the most protracted military and political conflict in the history of the Order to Die universe.
BHC Press and Shelley Wilson announced today they have entered into a multi-book, multi-genre publishing deal. The first book to be published is Oath Keeper, scheduled for publication in 2018.
The book The Indus Challenge is sequel by Dr. R. Durgadoss and is second in the series. A mythological fiction takes you through historical happenings with fictional characters.
The ‘self’ as the object of absolute existential interest and inner fulfillment as the final destination of life form the central focus of Erkin Bek’s book ‘All Here’.
My Journey, A Victory Over Cancer Through Alternative Methods, by Valarie Hendriks, is a story about one courageous woman's journey and victory over cancer through alternative methods.
We all struggle with our self-confidence at some point and often question our self-worth. In Lisa Cassman’s latest book, “Finding the Beautiful You” she helps readers discover who they are.
Vintage science fiction published in the popular fiction magazines before 1935 is hard to find. It's also the 'missing link' between the Victorian scientific romance and more modern science fiction. This book provides a checklist to track down some of the missing and forgotten classics of the genre.
"Journey of North Denver Johnnie: Using Street Smarts to Add Value to Your Career" is filled with real life examples and lessons to help first time managers, front line employees and even senior managers get the most from their career.
A renowned intellectual property attorney, professor and author from Bangalore, India, Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala has recently released his long awaited legal thriller novel.
A new book announced "12 streams of Income" By Wael Badawy an Award-winning Author who guides Experts to Monetize Their Knowledge. A step-by-step system to establish your authority and profit of your experience.
Bonjour! Let's Learn French published October 31, 2017 offers children a fun and easy start learning French. Free downloadable audio at website, along with lots of great resources. A great chance for parents/caretakers to review or learn some French and share an activity with their kids. Makes a great gift for the holidays or any time of the year.
The second installment in the Ki-Chan: Demon Hunter franchise makes it's dramatic debut in the literary world with an in-depth new story and a new villain.
“On Being Insane: In Search of my Missing Pieces,” is a nonfiction memoir written by Elliot Keenan and published by Dreaming Big Publications! This is a perfect book to add to your collection!
Nilay Shah has penned a thriller, probably the first of its kind that attempts to look for a political utopia and in the process, ends up questioning the very existence of mankind.