What happens when you surrender and trust? This is the question central to Tim Shields’ first novel, "A Curious Year in the Great Vivarium Experiment."
NYPD Homicide Detectives Rahim Percy and Bobby Sullivan thought they’d seen it all; then they walked into a murder scene where “the body” was a layer of pink ooze splattered on an apartment wall.
They quickly come into possession of a video that changes their question from “Who could have done this—and how?” to “What could have done this—and why?”
The Millionaire Within, by Walter Wisniewski and Allison Vanaski, will help you get out of the way of yourself when it comes to being more successful with your own money.
The new book Well is ready for preview. Join me on the journey I took from the brokenness, disparity and pain of chronic illness, addiction, and mental illness to being Well. I utilize telling my story through essays, reflections, poetry, personal journal entries, and original artwork.
Award winning author Owen Parr is pleased to announce the upcoming release of the fourth book in his Joey Mancuso, Father O'Brian Crime Mystery series, The Case of the Antiquities Collector.
Author T.L. Ashton is pleased to announce the release of the new women’s literary novel, The Madonna Model. Released by Dryads Green Associates, Inc. April 5, 2018, the book is already receiving rave reviews from readers and reviewers.
It was over a hundred years ago that her grandparents immigrated to the United States, but Linda A. Goodlin knew their story was a compelling one she had to share.