Filled with encouragement the single mother can relate to, the devotionals contained in this book will touch on the specific issues facing the single mother AND it will give direct guidance on how God can help with the issues single mothers face.
A new eBook edition of The Parsifal Pursuit by Michael McMenamin & Patrick McMenamin continues the award-winning series of Winston Churchill Thrillers weaving history, intrigue, thrills and romance during the era leading up to World War II. The 2nd novel in the series, it was the 2011 Grand Prize Winner-Fiction in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and also ForeWord Review's 2011 Thriller..
Bakers are sharing their stories. #AllergicToEverything is a cookbook and lifestyle guide for people living with multiple food allergies and the people who love them.
Join me on the journey I took from the brokenness, disparity and pain of chronic illness, addiction, and mental illness to being Well. I tell my story through essays, reflections, poetry, personal journal entries, and original artwork.
I have a chronic illness. That’s just a fact in my life. Is it ironic that I titled this memoir “Well”? I’ll let you be the judge.
Author Kirk Abner is pleased to announce the release of a new self-help book, Flower Dog Man: A Primer. Currently available only in ebook format, the print edition is scheduled for release in the fall of 2018 by Dorrance Publishing.
A new eBook edition of The DeValera Deception, by Michael McMenamin & Patrick McMenamin, begins the award-winning series of Winston Churchill Thrillers weaving history, intrigue, thrills and romance during the era leading up to World War II. It was a 2010 Grand Prize Winner-Fiction in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and named both 2010 Historical Fiction Book of the Year and 2010 Thriller..
Glory Days, by Art Bonus, is an action/adventure fiction classic about battle-hardened Navy Seal, Master Chief Jay Johnson and lurking dangers in the Sea of Cortez.
Comedian Diane Dean-Epps THOUGHT she would be famous by the time she was 30. Wait. Strike that - by the time she was 40. Nope. That doesn't work either. How about: Famous before she entered an assisted living facility?
Alas, thoughts are just things.
It’s called “The Spellbook” and was referred to as “A Hub”. The reason why is because this spectacular iBook, which is being distributed, for free, exclusively through iTunes is a bridge between all three of Pazzaria Productions’ works.
Author, Lola LePaon is pleased to announce therelease of her new book, Flick: A Create Your Own Erotic Adventure. The book is scheduled for release by BookBaby on May 15, 2018.
Abuse is a major problem in the United States where an estimated one in three women and one in four men have been physically abused by an intimate partner, according to the Center for Disease Control and Protection.