Adapt or Die is a survival guide for the modern marketer. If you run marketing and branding for a service or product-based company, this will equip you with the adaptation tools to run faster than your competition and succeed in the new era of digital marketing. It’s all here in a simple and informative book, that lays out seven easy-to-follow principles that will guarantee your success in today’.
Appointment in Prague - a Mattie McGary + Winston Churchill World War II Adventure, by Michael McMenamin & Kathleen McMenamin, features British secret agent Mattie McGary in her own solo adventure against the Nazi empire in wartime Prague.
Wondering what book to read next? Trying to remember the name of that book recommended to you by a passing acquaintance? Love a particular author and wondering which book of theirs to dive into next?
A new book by Rudy Dragone delves into the role of progesterone in patients. It serves as a guide for healthcare professionals and the public to discover effects of hormonal imbalance that may showcase detrimental symptoms on patients.
The thirty2give mobile phone app facilitates an innovative mentoring approach that allows people to use their smartphone to become a mentor or mentee anywhere around the globe. The app uses anonymity to eliminate unconscious bias to ensure that the transfer of knowledge is optimized.
As a preschool teacher, David Rodriguez III knows first-hand that learning can take many shapes and forms. However, the importance of early education cannot be underestimated.
Blake Alma, a 17-year-old conservative tv host, announces his upcoming book titled "An Outdoorsman's Heart." The book's foreword will be written by Duck Dynasty stars Phil & Al Robertson.
#AllergicToEverything is a cookbook and lifestyle guide for people living with multiple food allergies and the people who love them. Over 202 food allergy collectors are backing the book, which is a “Top 8 Free” lifestyle guide and cookbook for people living with food allergies.
This captivating story follows an orphan-turned-Harvard-medical-student, a modern-day Spartacus, who uses love to free the slaves from the gladiator ring of institutional, language-thinking existence.