Two celebrated local authors known for their knowledge and celebration of flowers will join forces for a dual event celebrating the release of their new books, May 8 at the Bookshop Santa Cruz.
Timothy Ivaikin, a prosperous Harvard-trained IT developer, published a book “Good Results: Art of efficiency for powerful growth” that shows how to efficiently organize your time and achieve goals.
A book released. This book is a modern story of a girl’s struggles to learn about herself through challenges in her life. Betrayed and abandoned by her loved ones, she is forced to take an inward journey. It changes all her perceptions of relationships, love, life, God and etc.
The Liebold Protocol, A Mattie McGary + Winston Churchill 1930s Adventure by Michael McMenamin & Kathleen McMenamin, continues the chronicles of Winston Churchill's goddaughter Mattie McGary inside the Nazi empire.
Author Trayner Bane is pleased to announce the release of the third book in his Windhollows children’s fantasy adventure series, Windhollow and the Axe Breaker.
Author Clayton Graham is pleased to announce that his science fiction novel – Saving Paludis, was a Finalist in the Readers’ Favorite 2018 International Book Awards.