Gurukul is a Bhopal based retail store completely dedicated to the needs of school and college going students, with its 5th addition to already a huge brand in Bhopal, it has made its roots stronger.
Author Emily Stalder Johnson was in first grade when her teacher assigned her to write a story for a younger student. From that day onward, she hoped and dreamed that she would become an author one day.
A mother loves people in total obedience to God, as we are encouraged to love one another from a pure heart. A mother’s love is so unique and selfless bringing with it a genuine restoration to those that are embraced.
Creative Dimension Studio, a entertainment and production company created by award-winning, writer, director and producer David M. Wallace proudly debuts three original graphic novel series.
Author JR Thompson is pleased to announce the promotion of his Christian inspirational novel, Rebuilding Alden. Readers who like clean, inspirational, life-changing novels will enjoy the first book in the Worthy Battle Series.
Author Kim Simons is pleased to announce the release of her new romantic thriller, Dance of Deception. Released by Page Publishing in January 2019, the book is already receiving rave reviews from readers and reviewers.
Author B C Woodruff is pleased to announce the promotion of his science fiction book, The Wandering World: And Other Stories. The book is available for purchase online and in local retailers in print and ebook formats.
Author Michele Packard is pleased to announce the promotion of her espionage thriller, AESOP. The book is being described by reviewers as fast-paced, gritty, and edgy.
Readers have called this new book entitled Distraction: A Critical Look at Life in the Screen Age thought-provoking, wise, and insightful. It assesses how various distractions prohibit us from being our best and living a productive, purposeful life.
Author Andrew Eseimokumo Oki releases new world literature/fiction novel, Bonfires of the gods. Released by Carline Fhurst Publishing LLC in January 2019, the book is already receiving rave reviews from readers and reviewers.