Author Frank Franco is pleased to announce the release of his new supernatural thriller, The Prophets and the Executioner, Book One The Awakening. Book Two The Prophets and The Executioner "The Darkness is due out in December 2019.
DonnaInk Publications has published Faces of Rap Mothers, by Candy Strother DeVore Mitchell through the Beat Deep Books Imprint, is a compilation of fact-driven stories from women who have supported and nourished the legends of rap and hip-hop. There title is just released and taking the industry by storm, resulting in a myriad of formats to choose from among soft cover and hardcover versions.
Author L. Marlene Payne is pleased to announce the release her new historical short story collection, Riddled Prophecy. The book was released by Page Publishing in March of 2019.
In Haiti, only 40% of the population is taught how to read, which means that the majority of the population is illiterate. Access to education is a sweeping issue that affects millions of people.
French diplomat Fabrice Jaumont will be releasing and signing copies of his book The Bilingual Revolution, in the Arabic language at Sharjah International Book Fair.
Victor Rojas, Comic Book Creator, Illustrator and Boxing Coach releases Takashi the Wanderer on Indiegogo and organizes an event concert for the title song, Takashi on 11/8 NYC.
A unique series of episodes that delves into the dangers that befall the main character, Dr. Morlock, this release is to acquaint the public with the arrival of a fearless hero who battles against creatures from supernatural realms.
As an Emmy award-winning anchor and author, Romona Robinson has interviewed thousands of people who are struggling in jobs they hate, strapped by their finances, children not measuring up, relationships gone bad, or poor health.
With a certificate in culinary arts, Geno III has come to be known as the ice cream scientist. He explains that he decided to experiment on new flavors and recipes with his own children first.
Australian author Lisa Domeny has released her latest children's books about the importance of not judging people by their appearance, and being brave enough to be yourself.