The urban fiction crime thriller novel, Dodging Bullets, is set for an August 10, 2020 release date. The book was penned by two New Orleans natives, Kentrell Myers, of Blackkkash, and Michael Gerald of 5Picture Films, and features its very own original soundtrack.
Cyril and Dorsie Publishing is proud to publish its first children's picture book which focuses on the adventure of a six-year-old girl during a 21-day period.
Dodging Bullets is a new urban crime drama book set in New Orleans, and set to be released next month. Except, what makes this book so unique, is that it will actually have its very own original music soundtrack with singles available for download.
Author Aurora Russell is pleased to announce the promotion of her contemporary romance novel, Falling for the Tycoon. Hot vacation romance never turns into true love...or does it?
Author Maggie Clare is pleased to announce the upcoming release of the third book in her Tactical Solutions International romantic suspense series, Lost and Found.
In her new true crime book (and the second in her original series), acclaimed author and anthology editor Mitzi Szereto shows us that the real monsters aren't hiding in the woods—they're in our towns!
This story is special in that it contains real life journey experiences. It also describes how the author overcomes dreadful fear or weariness with new vigor and strength by seizing the real thrill and excitements of the travels she experiences both during childhood and adulthood. What really matters with each journey is the invigorating experience one gets along the way.