Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is pleased to announce that its April 2015 art exhibition, the 5th Annual "CityScapes" Art Exhibition is now posted on their website and can be viewed online.
Greg Grandchamp is not trying to sell you on his religion, in fact, calling himself a Christian had no impact on his life until he grew in his own personal relationship with Jesus Christ and realized how many people were what he now calls, "Cardboard Christians."
EYES IN™ Magazine Editor-in-Chief Vivian Van Dijk is pleased to share innovations from a variety of fields, including the merging of Health and Technology, Design, Culture and Fashion. Interactive, ad-free EYES IN™ Magazine Digital Edition 42 shares insightful interviews, images and inspiration from the world's innovative creators.
Families looking for a relaxing place to stay during their next vacation in Pigeon Forge should look no further than inside one of the many rentals listed with Auntie Belham's Cabin Rentals.
Angela Dobbs hosts Atlanta's new talk show THE PARADOX. The Paradox has its premiere episode Monday March 30th at 10:00pm on Comcast channel 24. Special guest appearances by R.Kelly, Case, comedian Rodney Perry and Big Boi of OutKast.
On the next episode of "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about our disconnect with true creativity, and the importance of sourcing our creativity from our heart, not from what we think it should be and look like.
The State of Black Arizona (SBAZ) to Unveil Volume IV - Arts and Art Education Publication with a special tribute to Dr. Jefferson Eugene Grigsby, Jr. in Tucson., a dating site for people with herpes has got second position in the list of best herpes dating sites as released by .
In the pursuit of becoming the leading platform in the Herpes dating, recently launched mobile version for their website in order to cater to spread their wings across mobile & tablet segment.
On the next episode of "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks to artist and author Damini Celebre about the importance of using art to access our soul and how healing via shamanic practice can awaken our art.
interview with latest partner of The Courtyard Playhouse, Tiffany Schultz, Co-Owner, as she discussed the function of theatre sports and it's benefits for kids.