Fusion Art (http://www.fusionartps.com) is pleased to announce it is now accepting submissions for its 2nd Annual "Animal Kingdom" international online juried art exhibition.
The 50th Annual Monterey Scottish Games & Celtic Festival to be held at the Monterey County Fair & Event Center to be held on August 5th and 6th, 2017.
If you dig smooth, soulful sounds of Pop, Pop Soul, Neo-Soul and Contemporary Smooth Jazz with a sultry vocal delivery, then you'll be hypnotized by Amia Franz.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery's 7th Annual "Landscapes" Online Juried Art Competition for the month of April 2017.
KittyBee is an ingenious solution to your social schedule upkeeping woes. It is an optimal virtual Kitty Party Planner which can beautifully manage all your tasks related to social gatherings.
The TV series 'Salem' has stopped production after 3 seasons of filming in Shreveport and 20th Century Fox has ordered the sale of props & set dressing including everything from antique furniture to special effect knives to utility trailers.
DANGER DIVA is a new cyberpunk musical thriller, written, directed and produced by Robert McGinley (award-winning filmmaker of JIMMY ZIP and SHREDDER ORPHEUS). Danger Diva was filmed entirely in Seattle with a local cast and crew.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery (LST) is very pleased to announce that the gallery has been accepted and will now be promoted as a new Artsy.net Gallery Partner.
The live performance is greatly inspired by the 1990's original sketch comedy television show "In Living Color" which has now been off the air since 1994. I Act You Act Theater Company now brings it back to life infusing the show with some of the rich culture of Harlem. The show will be at the Broadway Comedy Club on March 20th, 2017 from 7:00pm-8:30pm EST.
KittyBee app is your personal scheduler that keeps a note of all your kitty engagements, and assists you in booking venues etc in a matter of few clicks.
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery's 7th Annual "Figurative" Online Juried Art Competition for the month of March 2017.
I have launched a Kickstarter campaign to gain investment that will allow me to properly launch my range, which features my own unique art and designs.
March 3 marks the annual celebration of National Speech and Debate Education Day! Created in 1925, the National Speech and Debate Association encourages support for students participating in speech and debate activities across the country, and ultimately provides youth a voice in their communities.
Tweetypad allows you to post to your Twitter account without being limited to the 140-character limit, all in one step from one convenient place AND simultaneously you can also post to many popular Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin, Tumblr and more!
Punch Animation, Inc. (OTCMKTS: URBT) pays tribute to celebrate and recognize the legendary Dr. Seuss' lifetime of achievements as a brilliant animator.
The theme for this art exhibition is abstracts and artists were asked to submit their best nonobjective or nonrepresentational art for this competition.