NorthStar Utilities Solutions is pleased to announce that the City of Naperville, Ill., has chosen MeterSense as its meter data management solution. A core component of the Naperville Smart Grid Initiative (NSGI), MeterSense will help Naperville promote grid efficiency and augment customer service.
G2 Fuel Technologies introduces Bio-Blast, a penetrating lubricant that has a natural ability to clean and lubricate. Guaranteed safe for workers and environment.
Former Intrepid President, Bill White reminds us all to take a moment and remember those killed in action, the wounded and their families who make the ultimate contribution so we maintain our way of life. We owe them so much.
The American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial groundbreaking ceremony was held in Washington D.C. on November 10, 2010. Program Participants Included Nancy Pelosi, Gary Sinise, Roberto "Bobby" Barrera, Eric Shinseki, Lois Pope.
In today's super-charged, competitive work environment, companies are constantly seeking innovative team building suggestions that bring harmony and teamwork to the workplace.
Every day thousands of people lose track of their bank accounts, cash, stocks, bonds, refunds, safe deposit boxes and gift cards. Edward Palonek of is helping people just like you reunite with their unclaimed cash.
Official journal of the State Bar of Arizona offers a trio of articles in special report, "Homeland Justice for Veterans," in recognition of Veterans Day.
Radiation Shield Technologies' Demron multi-hazard personal-protection armor featured at the 3rd Annual CBRNe Convergence Conference focused on improving defense capability for first responders.
The importance of working together is to maintain our national security and to recognize the United States Army's efforts in its readiness to assist the affected population in case of disasters. Paul Chehade:.
Prioria has been awarded a $2.8 million contract by Public Works and Government Services Canada for the ISTAR MUAV (intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance miniature unmanned aerial vehicle) program.
Much emphasis is given today to the "Special Forces", however, before the Army was formed in 1784 there were only "Ordinary Forces." The website provides a forum to post stories & pictures relating to military service, regardless of branch.
Joe L. Vines, Sr., Former School Sergeant Major of the School of Infantry (West) at Camp Pendleton, California has been named Commandant of the Army and Navy Academy's Upper School (Grades 10-12)
NorthStar Utilities Solutions' MeterSense MDM is becoming the fastest growing mid-market meter data management solution. Combining business process oriented solutions with energy analytics and solid reporting, MeterSense is the MDM of choice. Groton Utilities in Groton, CT is using MeterSense as part of their smart metering project.
Supporting a military family, is raising funds to cover the out-of-pocket expenses for an Atlanta-area Army family mom who is under going surgery on Jan. 15, 2010.
If you or your loved ones rely on a medical mask or respirator for protection from occupational hazards, infectious diseases, or any other reason, this product could save your life. It has been medically tested and proven safe and remarkably effective. Find out why Breathe Safely, LLC has made the biggest breakthrough in respirators and masks since their conception.
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has recognized KTGY as a finalist for 4 NAHB Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Awards for four of its California projects: College Vista in San Mateo, Dorado Senior Apartments in Buena Park, Vantage of Palo Alto (Plan 2) in the City of Palo Alto and “The Club” at Central Park West in Irvine.
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