3 CD Science Fiction Concept Album "EONS AGO" by Xeno Giraffe Released On iTunes

Continuing a slow roll out, Xeno Giraffe releases his "EONS AGO" album on iTunes and AmazonMP3 today, with new work being digitally released in the upcoming week.
- Atlanta, GA (1888PressRelease) August 04, 2012 - The long awaited prequel to "Dinosaur UFOs: Episode One 'Wolfmen From Outer Space'" - "EONS AGO" takes you on a musical journey to the beginning of the Universe - forward to an inhabited desert world with a hidden secret, and to a woman who finds out that she may not be real - is available on iTunes and AmazonMP3 as of August 1, 2012.
The roll out digitally was slower than usual due to a new tighter arrangement of releases of music by Xeno Giraffe to cover the coming months in a campaign known as "2012 The Summer Of Xeno Giraffe."
The 13 compositions on "EONS AGO" musically revisit rock, blues, and folk, but with a heavy dose of metal, funk, and electronic dance blended in, and with musical storytelling mixed in - puts it in a category cross-over between art rock, and experimental rock. The love of both dance music, and guitar driven sounds on most of the tracks, along with distortions, and ultra-heavy bass moments with a twisted science fiction concept -- give it is own unique niche - "sci-fi rock".
The musical pieces in order are:
1. I Look Up At The Sky And Hesitate In Wonder
2. Cauldrons Of Creation
3. God Particle
4. Dark Matter
5. Electron Emergence
6. Blue Atom Planet
7. A Little Bump In The Static
8. Unknown Space
9. Deep Desert Discovery
10. Baby Don't Go On The UFO
11. Android Woman Recall
12. Future Tense
13. Terror From The Sky
The concept story synopsis underlying this mix of songs is as follows:
"EONS AGO" being a first-person, fictional account set to music about walking at night on a small island far away from city lights, and looking up at the Galaxy, when a strong, blinding light beam from out of the sky -- "hits me in the head, and instantly, eons of knowledge about the origins of the Universe knock me to the ground. One bit of knowledge is revealed that shows me of other worlds. Something dark and terrifying has been chasing after this knowledge over the -- eons."
"Now that I have the information, I know something horrifying is following that beam of light toward me to obtain the secret by any means. It comes from space for me," said Xeno Giraffe.
"I am both visually oriented and aurally oriented," laughed Xeno Giraffe. "My subconscious really drives the show when I'm working, because the story and the music happen at the same time. As I am working on a sound, both a rhythm or melody, and a story idea, or twist in plot occur together. Up to the age of 18 music was present, but not as much as reading and TV, but then in college, it switched to a lot of reading and music, with little TV, but a growing interest in cult and b-movie horror, science-fiction, western, and detective noir stories in film. I have great admiration for Danny Elfman. I, also, enjoy listening to the band Gong. My tastes are pretty much all over the place."
The music has been likened to Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, Butthole Surfers, I Am Spoonbender, Circus Devils, and Brian Eno, with traces of old school hard rock, like Led Zeppelin mixed in.
"As an experimentalist by nature, I try to think out-side the box, but if I can't do that, I like to mix the whole box up in a different order," said Xeno Giraffe.
Along with the digital release this week of Xeno Giraffes first single - "Dinosaur UFOs", and the new album "EONS AGO" - now on iTunes, there will be a very long awaited digital release of the first in a series of pioneering fractal math based albums under the name - "Xeno Giraffe And 21st World Future Music" in the coming week.
"I have been involved in creating music since 1976, mostly early synth-based experiments and piano, then with computers, I early on was looking for the future of music, or my idea, anyway, and that led to trying to get music from using math formulas that use fractal equations, which was more pleasant to my ear. I was trying to make real, serious music, using new - for the time - ideas on the nature of music. What I came up with is artificial and alien at first, but then you realize what appears to be repetition is ALL variation, but it tricks the brain into thinking that the melodies and rhythms are LOOPING. Of course, the human element is all over it, because I had to put together many lines or channels, pick and tweak code and math formulas, and determine key. So, this math music is man-machine based like a cyborg -- a combination," said Xeno Giraffe.
You can download Xeno Giraffe - "EONS AGO" at:
Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Eons-Ago/dp/B008BYXBS0/ref=sr_shvl_...
CDBaby - http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/xenogiraffe2
Or type in "Xeno Giraffe Eons Ago" in the iTunes App.