25th World Congress on Neurology and Neurodisorders

Exploring Novel Technologies in Neurology and Neurological disorders.
- Chicago, IL (1888PressRelease) May 02, 2018 - We are delighted to announce the upcoming “25th World Congress on Neurology and Neurodisorders ”along with external scientific association, Academicians, Neurological Disorders and Neuroscience researchers. On July 16-17, 2018, this conference will be organized at Mercure Melbourne Albert Parks Australia.
The purpose of this international conference is to promote scientific discoveries and accelerate the Novel Technologies in Neurology and Neurological Disorders.
You are welcome to participate as a Speaker at the conference for the Oral presentation
Abstracts of the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings as well as in our journal: Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience, Journal of Neurological Disorders, Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research, & Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology.
We welcome your participation in this event along with your friends and colleagues that address the relationship between Neurology and Neurological disorders and we welcome your inquiries and suggestions. In the meantime, please check out our website for more details: neurodisorders (dot)neurologyconference(dot)com
If you have any questions about the conference, give us a call back at 1-650-889-4686 if convenient, or please feel free to contact at neurodisorders ( @ ) neuroconferences dot org
Conference highlights:
• 200+ Participation, 5+ Keynotes, 40+ Speeches, 5+ Exhibitors , 5+ Workshops , B2B Meetings
• 18+ Sessions Interactive Sessions
• Abstract will be published in conference proceeding book
• Abstract Will Also Receive A Unique DOI By CrossRef
• Young researcher forum and best post award
• Certification by the renowned Organizing Committee Members
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
With very best wishes,
Ghulam Rasool Mashori| Chair, Scientific Committee | Director, Pakistan
Wai Kwong Tang| Co-Chair, Scientific Committee | professor, Department of Psychiatry, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Krupa Torne| Co-Chair, Scientific Committee | HOD Surya Children's Hospital Mumbai | India
Tajjallah Bibi Shamim Khan| Co-Chair, Scientific Committee | Co-ordinator Maaref Private School, UAE