2010 Charleston Thanksgiving Basket Brigade

The Charleston Basket Brigade, announced today a partnership with Carolina One Real Estate, Piggly Wiggly, Communities In Schools and Momentum Marketing to feed 1300 families on Thanksgiving Day by raising $39,000 through the efforts of hundreds of local volunteers and concerned citizens.
- Charleston-North Charleston, SC (1888PressRelease) October 21, 2010 - Michelle Scarafile and Pam Hartley, Co-Founders of The Charleston Basket Brigade, announced today a partnership with Carolina One Real Estate, Piggly Wiggly, Communities In Schools and Momentum Marketing to feed 1300 families on Thanksgiving Day by raising $39,000 through the efforts of hundreds of local volunteers and concerned citizens. In its first year in 2008, the brigade fed 75 families. Last year, the effort provided meals to over 430 local families in need.
Close friends Hartley and Scarafile began The Charleston Basket Brigade in 2008 with a commitment to bring the community together to provide Thanksgiving meals for families in need in Charleston. "When we found out that there were children going to bed hungry right here in Charleston, we knew we had to do something about it," said Hartley.
The Basket Brigade concept was inspired by Anthony Robbins, whose foundation feeds more than two million each year. Hartley and Scarafile met in 2006 during a leadership seminar held by Robbins and became fast friends. In 2008, Scarafile brought the idea to create a basket brigade to Hartley and they both quickly got into action. "I knew that Pam and I could really make a difference here in Charleston. When the recession hit, we enlisted the help of friends and family and what started as an idea - has now grown into an annual event that serves thousands," Scarafile said.
The duo partnered with Carolina One's Coleman Boulevard office and fed 75 families in 2008. Last year, three Carolina One offices participated and together the effort rose over $12,900 to feed 430 families. This year, all eleven of the Carolina One Real Estate offices are participating so Hartley and Scarafile expect to triple the numbers achieved in 2009.
This fundraiser would not be possible without the commitment of Carolina One Real Estate, Communities In Schools, Piggly Wiggly, Momentum Marketing and many caring friends, families and community members. "It only takes $30 to feed a family of 4-6 at Thanksgiving and we get donations from many sources, including friends and family members that live out of state," said Scarafile. Hartley added, "$30 goes a long way and we're grateful for every single donation." The meal includes a 10-12 lb. turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, cranberry sauce, a pumpkin pie, fresh rolls and butter. Each family receives an anonymous letter inside the basket that reads "This comes to you from someone who cares about you. All we ask is that you take care of yourself well enough to be able to do this for someone else one day."
Carolina One staffers, agents and event volunteers raise money, assemble the meals at pre-set staging areas and deliver meals to the families. Communities In Schools, a non-profit drop out prevention organization with 20 counselors in 16 schools throughout Charleston and Berkeley County, locates the families that will receive meals based on need and maps out directions for delivery. Piggly Wiggly provides discounts on food, boxes, and coordinates delivery of the food to staging areas throughout Charleston. Momentum Marketing (Hartley's company) provides public relations and event coordination assistance. Four staging areas will be set up throughout the Charleston area on Tuesday, November 23rd, two days prior to Thanksgiving. Meals will be assembled and delivered that day.
Piggly Wiggly has increased its corporate participation this year with a "Facebook Fan Drive" to take place November 1st - November 7th. During the first week in November, Facebook users will be asked to "like" Piggly Wiggly's Facebook Fan Page. For each new fan, Piggly Wiggly will donate $1.00 to the Charleston Basket Brigade up to $1500.00 total.
The responses from families that receive a basket are overwhelmingly appreciative and oftentimes tear-filled. One parent last year said emphatically, "Oh thank you, thank you so much, prayers really do get answered."
Hartley said, "With the economic conditions impacting so many, there are more and more children who are going to bed hungry each night right here in Charleston." Scarafile added, "We've set a goal of feeding 1300 families this year so up to 7800 people could enjoy an amazing meal on Thanksgiving. Join us and become a part of making that a reality."
Each assembled meal costs $30.00. Individual and corporate donations are tax exempt and can be made online at www.charlestonbasketbrigade.com. All major credit cards are accepted and 100% of the donations go towards buying food. For more information on the volunteer effort, visit www.charlestonbasketbrigade.com.
For more information contact:
Emily Steele
emily ( @ ) momentumresults dot com