November 23, 2015 Latest News

  • Felicitation for Kamal Chopra from Reed CHINA
  • Mike Rusbridge, Chairman of Reed Exhibitions, Worldwide sent the congratulatory message signed by Mr. Thomas Huang, Vice President, Reed Exhibitions, China, on his behalf, through Mr. Keith Ma to congratulate Mr. Kamal Chopra face to face on being elected as the Vice President (North) of the All India Federation of Master Printers'.
  • By North India Printers Association
  • IBS Has Hosted Internet And Ecommerce Accounts
  • The new upbringings of IBS Solutions is proving a standard level in the fields of internet and eCommerce payment solutions. Online business is growing at out of breath rate. Online shoppers spent a heavy amount of income in shopping. A highly well introduced E commerce account makes this growth possible.
  • By Ib Solutions
  • The Cure for Cancer at Christmas? Is it possible? Authors say YES! Go NOW! Get FREE
  • THE ANSWER TO CANCER: A SIMPLE SOLUTION FOR THE WESTERN CONDITION is a Christmas 2015 release detailing the cause and potential treatment for cancer and autoimmune disorders. Cancer cure could be possible for Christmas and beyond. The system described in the book demonstrates an attempt to boost autoimmune function in the body by reconciling a toxic gas components found in all sickness.
  • By