1-800-WE-SURVIVED Launches Comprehensive Legal Support Network for Survivors of Workplace Sexual Harassment and Assault

Top Quote At 1-800-WE-SURVIVED, justice has arrived and it’s time for you to thrive by receiving the compensation you deserve. We offer quick and easy access to experienced, licensed attorneys in your area who can handle sensitive claims like yours with unmatched kindness and compassion. End Quote
  • San Francisco, CA (1888PressRelease) June 19, 2024 - 1-800-WE-SURVIVED, a leading advocate for survivors of sexual harassment and assault, is proud to announce the launch of its dedicated legal support network. This initiative aims to provide compassionate legal assistance to individuals facing sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. By connecting survivors with experienced attorneys, 1-800-WE-SURVIVED is committed to securing strong justice and maximum compensation for those affected.

    Empowerment Through the #MeToo Movement

    The #MeToo movement has fundamentally transformed society’s approach to sexual harassment and assault, empowering survivors to come forward and seek justice. 1-800-WE-SURVIVED is dedicated to building on this momentum by offering accessible legal support and resources services for free to those in need.

    Comprehensive Legal Assistance for Survivors

    Survivors can contact 1-800-WE-SURVIVED at 1-800-937-8784 or visit www.1800WeSurvived.com to be connected with a compassionate attorney who will listen to their story, believe in them and their struggle, and fight for their rights. For now, initial consultations are free and confidential, ensuring that survivors can seek help without any financial burden.

    Clear Definition and Protection

    Sexual harassment and assault in the workplace are defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as unwelcome sexual behavior, requests for sexual favors, acts of aggression or coercion, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
    This includes:
    • Unwanted sexual advances
    • Pressure for sexual favors
    • Exposure to sexually explicit materials
    • Retaliation for complaints about harassment
    • Creating a hostile work environment through sexually derogatory comments or actions
    • Aggressive acts of sexual coercion and / or blackmail

    Rights and Compensation for Victims

    1-800-WE-SURVIVED emphasizes the importance of understanding legal rights and protections. The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 offer robust protections against sexual harassment and assault. Victims may receive compensation for mental anguish, retaliation, loss of income, damage to reputation, and more. In cases of egregious misconduct, punitive damages may also be awarded. Punitive damages work as a multiplier on the total damages amount. If your sexual harassment claim is worth $200,000, for example, then you could be entitled to $1,400,000 in punitive damages, for a total of $1,600,000 in damages.

    Addressing Retaliation and Providing Support

    Retaliation against victims for reporting sexual harassment or assault is illegal. 1-800-WE-SURVIVED's network of attorneys is equipped to handle these complex situations and ensure that victims' rights are protected. The organization offers 24/7 availability, allowing survivors to reach out for support whenever they need it.

    About 1-800-WE-SURVIVED

    1-800-WE-SURVIVED is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support to survivors of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. By connecting individuals with experienced attorneys, the organization ensures that survivors have access to the legal expertise and compassionate support they need to pursue justice with no upfront cost to them.

    Take the First Step Toward Justice

    Survivors of workplace sexual harassment and assault are encouraged to contact 1-800-WE-SURVIVED at 1-800-937-8784 or visit www.1800WeSurvived.com to request a free consultation. Your voice and story matter, and we believe in you. Let us help you find the justice, support, and peace of mind you deserve.

    Media Contact:

    Phone: 1-800-937-8784
    Email: Admin ( @ ) 1800WeSurvived dot com
    Website: www.1800WeSurvived.com

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