June 27, 2024 Latest News

  • Launch of the book “Safalta Ke Siddhant" by Ram K Verma
  • BFC Publications is delighted to present the literary masterpiece “Safalta Ke Siddhant " by the phenomenal author Mr. Ram K Verma. The book is an exceptional work that aims to guide people towards success in their lives. Mr. Verma has used certain principles and smart strategies that individuals can use to overcome any obstacles that come in their way of achieving the ultimate goal.
  • By Bfc Publications
  • STPL Brings Advanced and Revolutionary Technology for the Diamond Industry
  • STPL Brings Advanced and Revolutionary Technology for the Diamond Industry! MagikCut™ Launched as a Boon! The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war for the past two years has severely impacted the diamond industry. Due to the war, the G7 countries have imposed bans on the export of rough diamonds from Russia, causing a standstill in the diamond industry. This has affected both small and large diamond unit
  • By Stpl
  • White Label Managed IT Services By SKYTEK Cloud that's Change Your Business
  • In order to keep pace in today’s fast-moving digital world, businesses must keep up with the latest technology and IT solutions. White label managed IT services by SKYTEK Cloud enable you to take your business to the next level without worrying about managing your IT infrastructure intricacies. Our comprehensive solutions are aimed at increasing your operational efficiency, lowering costs..
  • By Skytek Cloud