The Women Creator Program is a paid virtual fellowship and funded in two (Previz)& (Final Submission) from May - July 2022 . The women creators will be paid USD 5,000 for the submission of their project .
We ,at Asifa India request you to support by nominating experienced talented women creators . If you are experienced , talented women creator , please submit.
A group of experienced producers who have hand written letters from the late boy band creator Lou Pearlman and will use these instructions to create a new Backstreet Boys.
This up and coming new group put together using his handwritten blueprints will be like Pearlman directing it from the grave. Pearlman died in 2016 from heart failure. This will be the biggest group released in the USA.
Black Health Matters PA Conference: Disrupt and Build Up This year’s conference theme is “Disrupt and Build Up” because there must be disruption in the root causes of health inequities and the buildup of solutions to close the gap in health disparities. The purpose of this conference is to increase awareness of the importance of this month and offer actionable steps to combat against the growin