With this press release, SpikeBot shares the big news from the recent hours. The home automation system has received recognition as the fastest finger app for turning on and off the smart home devices. Be it AC, TV or Curtains; your home is mastered with the help of the fastest smart home application.
Boston Sports Medicine, is now offering Telehealth or E-Visit physical therapy services to their existing patients, and Telehealth to any patient in Massachusetts who has lost their physical therapy due to office closure or reduction in staff.
The real economy is fumbling, and it is carrying a huge stack of leveraged debt of market players. Any attempts to stabilize the real economy with insufficient information will not succeed.
To support creative endeavors of individual enthusiasts and small projects, scientists, students, and non-profit organizations from all over the world, UNIGINE launches a highly anticipated free Community edition of its real-time 3D engine.
Quikstartup announce a free business directory where the business owner will able to make their business profiles and also can promote their business online
Everyone across the world is experiencing the novel idea of staying at home to help ‘flatten the curve’ in alignment with the World Heath Organization’s recommendations and mandates across cities, states and countries. Self-distancing (keeping 6 ft. between people) and washing hands for 20-30 seconds is vital to helping the world improve the current health crisis.