March 05, 2008 Latest News

  • Biniki The Butt Bra Debuts On The Rachael Ray Show This Month
  • Here is the behind the scenes story: Breasts have had the benefit of weight support for over one hundred years. Since then, no one has created a like type support system for the derriere. Until now. Biniki is a stand alone item. Throng -- because the thong is wrong - covers the lower front of the body and the crotch area too. Maniki is designed for men's support, comfort and backlift
  • By Karinart, Inc. Karin Hart, Ph.d.
  • From Global Trekker To Extreme Adventurer
  • Extreme adventures are activities that are perceived as having a high level of danger or difficulty, involving one or more of the following: speed, height, specialized gear or extending beyond the common level of physical exertion.
  • By Arbor Books