Business owners, marketers, sales professionals and copywriters today may find it more difficult than ever to survive in today's marketplace. Conventional marketing costs are constantly on the rise and potential customers are inundated with a never-ending barrage of competing ads and marketing materials. New technology from ScribeJuice makes it a lot easier to get more leads and sales.
YouMe Support Foundation today announced the launch of a unique fund raising idea, with to raise funds for non-repayable high-school education grants. In the next few months a boutique resort, Seachange Lodge, Vanuatu, in the South Pacific, will be given away to a lucky winner, along with a good annual tax-free income. has brought on resident professionals to write articles and give tips on dating and fitness through the new blog section just added to the website.
Displaysense research reveals literature is still very much alive and its presentation is critical to successfully engaging with visitors at any event or exhibition