As the foreclosure crisis in reaches epic proportions, the nation’s leading provider of legal loan modifications and loan workout services, the Parsa Law Group and its marketing arm, the National Loan Modification Center, have tripled the size of their operations.
"Roots Recovered" is a How-To Guide for Tracing African-American and West Indian Roots Back to Africa and Going There For Free Or On A Shoestring Budget
wv? eBook Press proudly announces the pending release of Michael Dickel's much-anticipated collection of poetry and visual art. Dickel's work has appeared in high-quality small-press literary journals, art books, and anthologies for more than 20 years. This is his first book, collecting poetry, photography, and digital art to create a magnificent journey through the chaos and mystery of life.
World-renowned Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach, author of “A Paranormal Casebook: Ghost Hunting in the New Millennium,” speaks on the science behind the paranormal and the evidence of the afterlife and hauntings as discovered in his research.