Dyslexia Action and Assistive Solutions will showcase their complimentary literary solutions as a one-stop-shop for schools, institutions and individuals alike at BETT 2016 in January.
EMLab P&K sponsors the IAQA Indoor Environmentalist Course at its Irvine, California laboratory. The indoor air quality (IAQ) training course is taught by Ian Cull of Indoor Sciences.
World Parkinson's Program held its annual seminar in Toronto, Canada to discuss issues pertaining to Parkinson's disease world wide. Attendees included Parkinson's patients and healthcare professionals. The main discussion pertained to underdeveloped countries who cannot provide proper medications, and other tools for Parkinson's patients.
SMi Group reports (11.01.2016, London): SMi caught up with a workshop leader Dr Xavier Barril, ICREA Research Professor, School of Pharmacy, Barcelona University.
Triprecall's paired apps turn your iPhone and Apple TV into a 21st century version of home movies. You can share videos, photos, text, and voice notes in a fun and efficient way without using email.
On Wednesday, Feb. 3rd the Tampa Bay community is invited to attend the first "Business Networking Reception" for 2016. The reception is for all businesses and members of the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce. The reception is hosted by the Scientology Information Center, and will be between 6-8pm. There is no cost to attend.