"Words for all Seasons" by Rex Andrews is published

An eclectic collection of prize-winning poetry of various forms.
- (1888PressRelease) December 15, 2016 - "Words for all Seasons" by Rex Andrews(ISBN #978-1785077760) About the Book: Rex Andrews is a versatile poet, much-travelled scholar and creative teacher of language and literature whose poetry is constantly exploring different forms, styles, subjects and emotions.
"Words for all Seasons" is dedicated to a barrister, a bishop and an editor of Punch.
John Morthimer Q.C., the RT. Rev. Geoffrey Powell and writer Alan Coren were judges for the 1998 Cancer Research Campaign Competition. When they awarded the poem Spinning Jenny first prize of 3000 entries worldwide, their unexpected encouragement was the spur for writing the majority of poems in this anthology.
Subsequent prize-winning poems include My War Effort (free verse), Way to the White House (Chaucerian roundel), Bon Appetite (extended Clerihew), Earth (rhyming stanzas), and The Silver Thread (Spenserian stanzas). Additionally in this anthology the sonnet, haiku, tanka, somonka, cinquain, villanelle, clerihew, sestina and threnody are all represented - their styles ranging from comic to tragic, from satiric to elegiac and from parodic to poignant.
About the Author:
Rex Andrews was born in London in 1931 and is a poet, teacher and former Editor of the London Educational Review.
Founder of the MGMT Trust to promote education for international understanding, cooperation and peace at the London Institute of Education, he has held fellowships with the BBC and SOAS (the School of Oriental and African studies) and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
As UK Chair of the World Education Fellowship (WEF), member of the World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (USA) and lecturer for the British Council, he has contributed to numerous international conferences including lecturing in Japan, India, Nigeria, Malaysia, Holland and the Philippines. These commitments have continued since retiring from full-time lecturing in the UK and moving to France where he was able to represent the WEF in the Paris headquarters of UNESCO.
After raising four children, he and his wife have now acquired two rewarding grandchildren and four 'adopted' French ones. In a small but historic French village far away from the chalk-face (and the interactive whiteboard!), they both have more time for thinking and creativity and particularly for writing poetry, articles and books.
Excerpt from the book:
Spinning Jenny
She was there again today
In the corner where we pile the newspapers
weaving from her own entrails a silver dream,
a rent-free home and a cost-free supermarket:
a filigree kingdom meeting all her needs.
Anchored by one gossamer guy line to a water-pipe,
by another to the plaster-peeling wall,
she makes her funicular descent,
sails wisely over stark headlines
and lands gracefully by chance
on a crumpled map of Europe.
Scotland, her landing place, evokes no interest.
Dry-shod she strides the Channel
and saunters idly on a dusty tour of cities -
Paris, Geneva, Vienna…
Then, just as nonchalantly, Grozny, Kosova, Chernobyl…
An accomplished spinster, she knows nothing of widows,
takes no toll of orphans.
No folk-memory tells her how her ancestors
transformed the fortunes of Mohammed,
Robert the Bruce,
Frederick the Great
and others in their wake…
Austria, Prussia, Scotland, Syria,
kingdoms and dynasties
- meaningless marks on the page to an octopod traveller
with serious preoccupations.
Suddenly she scuttles purposefully west
devours a stranded fly
and deftly swings aloft.
She'll never know how much can hang
upon a gossamer thread:
how many living,
and how many dead.
"Words for all Seasons" by Rex Andrews is available in paperback from Amazon.co.uk at:
This book is also available from Amazon.com at:
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