'The Sellionaire' Authored by Antonio Smith is a Bestseller
Barnes & Noble Bestselling Author, Antonio Clyde Smith offers how to eliminate procrastination and go for business goals.
- (1888PressRelease) April 06, 2011 - Antonio Clyde Smith, an established sales trainer and business strategist, guides individual professionals and business owners how to achieve business goals by leveraging time and labor to increase productivity through his bestselling book "The Sellionaire"
With extensive real world experience in sales and marketing, Antonio wrote 'The Sellionaire' that assists readers to overcome their mental barriers to success. The book discusses how to turn a negative situation into a positive one, how to build a strong mindset and develop the ability of proactive dealing the challenges and finally strive to be a leader in any field.
"Your dreams are only the end results of a puzzle that you must put together. They are reached by simple steps taken each day over time. By taking action you will reach your dreams." "Your capital may not be money, but a mind made up to use what you have now to reach them", notes the author.
One of his book reader appreciates and says, "Antonio's book is an asset for every individual professional, as it certainly help readers optimize their selling and marketing potential, Smith clearly explains how to increase productivity and profit; create income-generating opportunities without spending money; conquer procrastination; effectively manage time; set and achieve goals." He further adds, "It also explains how to use new age techniques to outsell in any market; quickly develop winning presentations; earn residual income from current customers; and leverage time and labor to increase earnings."
The bestselling book 'The Sellionaire' is currently available in local bookstores and online outlets like Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com. For more information on Antonio Clyde Smith, visit www.thesellionaire.com.
To book Antonio as a guest on your television program or for an interview, book signing, scheduling an appearance or to discuss a daily/weekly column, please contact Smith via email antone563 ( @ ) aol dot com.