“The Reversal” by Pauline Otti

Exciting thriller about a young kidnapped girl struggling to survive.
- (1888PressRelease) May 09, 2018 - ISBN #978-1787197077
About the Book:
Zara, a 17-year-old girl from Sierra Leone, arrives in England in the ‘70s to further her education. The period was characterized by political instability in Africa.
She happily settles down to University life, at Carindale College, Cambridge. In her final year, however, her world begins to crumble. Zara’s father is over thrown, as her country’s Head of State, by a military Junta. While still shattered by this news, death threats to her life kept increasing. The College therefore, requests she withdraws from the institution, as it could no longer guarantee her safety. Zara is left devastated, destitute and betrayed.
Then, kidnapped, because of her father’s corrupt $29.5 million diamond “deal”, for which she knew nothing about.
What is the ill-prepared young Zara to do? Has she got inner strengths to device her own survival strategies? Can she surmount and navigate through unimaginable challenges, and attain her objectives?
Why This Book?
Most narratives on toppled governments or military coup d’état, have focussed on the accounts by the coup plotters, the implications and, the expectations of the new regime.
Zara’s story in ‘The Reversal’ is, on the other hand, a fictional portrayal of the other side of such events. It highlights the harrowing experiences of such abrupt, and downward spiral in the lives of family members of a deposed Head of State. The younger ones, such as Zara, find themselves suddenly stigmatized, shattered and unprepared. In some cases, if not massacred, they are innocently violated, exploited or abandoned in life threatening situations, and not just an issue of - ‘From riches to rags.’
As you read through the pages of this novel, you’ll also find a memorable romance between Zara and a smashing military officer, thrilling. An intense and strategic relationship Zara needed but, it gets interrupted abruptly, robbing the heroine of her only human anchor, in a destabilising power tussle.
In addition, the assertion - ‘corruption is the bane of society’ resonates at different sections of this thriller; so also, is its inter-continental dimensions. The texts highlight corrupt trans- national diamond “deals” and illegal off- shore bank accounts. Betrayed Zara is drawn unknowingly into the saga, resulting in chilling, terrifying and fatal consequences, with twists and turns, which will keep the reader on the edge of the chair.
Praise for THE REVERSAL:
“This book is unique in many respects. It represents a convincing fresh perspective, often untold, often unheard, the unintended consequences of power struggle and greed. Otti narrates the story through the eyes of Zara - a young African girl sent to study in England, far away from those corridors of power but, caught up in a criminal and deepening political whirlpool.
The rapid pace of events, occurring in parallel, across different locations, adds a dynamic mix, which intensifies the tension and creates a suspense that makes ‘The Reversal,’ a compelling read.”
- Ade Adeniji - Learningthroughthearts.co.uk
“An extraordinary breath-taking debut; opens up chilling dimensions in twist and turns to keep you hooked till the end of the book!”
- Collins - Freelance Reviews
“What an absolute page turner; with the pace of the suspense, I simply could not put the book down.”
- Ndidia VonRadloff
“A well written and engaging novel, with twist and turns in the Heroine’s life to make the characters live with the reader for a long time.”
- Heather Manning- Verdict Consulting Associates
“The Reversal” is currently available in paperback from Amazon UK at:
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