"Scruffy and Maisie" by Zee 'C' is published

Top Quote Charming story about beloved four-legged friends playing together. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) July 24, 2018 - ISBN #978-1789551693
    “Scruffy and Maisie” by Zee ‘C’ is published

    Charming story about beloved four-legged friends playing together

    About the book:
    Sam returns to school and at first Scruffy feels abandoned until he realises that he can spend quality time with Sam’s mum and Steve. He has great fun playing with the kittens and playing football with Maisie.

    Excerpt from the book:
    “Woof,” answered Scruffy before bounding through the open doorway and straight over to the box that held the kittens. He stuck his nose into the box and Tabby purred loudly.

    “See Di, Tabby now accepts Scruffy’s nose among her kittens. In fact I think she missed him yesterday when he and Sam didn’t come.”
    Scruffy’s head emerged from the box and he looked so surprised because hanging on to the end of his nose was Bows! Mind you Bows also looked equally surprised to be hanging in mid-air.

    “Oh look Steve, Scruffy has been fishing and caught his very own kitten,” laughed Sam’s mum.

    Slowly Scruffy lowered his head back into the box to allow Bows to join her mum and siblings and then dropped to his haunches and laid his head onto the side of the box.

    “Mum said Scruffy spent most of the day of Monday and Tuesday gazing in awe at Tabby and her kittens,” explained Steve.

    “Oh I am so glad he has taken to them as he needs to learn to be gentle with them. He and Sam play so rough together I worried a bit about her safety after I agreed to have her,” Sam’s mum replied.

    “I don’t think you need worry. I am sure Bows will be quite safe with both Scruffy and Sam,” answered Steve. “Now Di, do you want tea or coffee? I will have to see if I can find Mum’s secret stash of dog biscuits that she keeps especially for Scruffy too.”

    “Do you mean to tell me your Mum has biscuits in the cupboard for Scruffy?” laughed Sam’s mum.

    “Yes and also Sam’s favourite biscuits too,” replied Steve.

    “Now I know why they are both so keen to spend time up here then. Neither of them said a word! For that matter neither did your mum on Sunday Steve! That is just plain sneaky of your Mum, trying to steal my son and his dog by giving them biscuit treats during the day. Only joking Steve, I am very happy that they both enjoy being up here at the farm. It is good for Sam if he continues to be serious about becoming a farmer, although once he goes to senior school that desire might wane. If not, at least he will have a good idea what is involved. As for Scruffy the exercise is good for him and as spring approaches he will learn more about the animals and their young,” explained Sam’s mum.”

    Amazon Review:
    5.0 out of 5 stars Lovely story about our four-legged friends
    12 July 2018

    What a lovely story about dogs and cats playing together. I think this book will have a wide readership, as it is very well-written.

    In the book, when Sam returns to school, his dog Scruffy feels saddened by the fact that he is no longer playing with him during the daytime. Eventually, Scruffy explores more and builds up a relationship with Sam's mother as well as other animals including Maisie and her kittens.

    As a dog-lover myself, I really enjoyed this story.

    “Scruffy and Maisie” is currently available in paperback from Amazon at:

    This story will also be available to download in e-book format soon.

    Press/Media Contact Details:

    New Generation Publishing
    Tel. 01234 711 956
    E-mail: info ( @ ) newgeneration-publishing dot com

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