"On the Origins of Speaking" by Lord Walsingham is published

This book traces the original sounds and meanings of languages back to the Stone Age.
- (1888PressRelease) February 09, 2017 - "On the Origins of Speaking" by Lord Walsingham (ISBN #978-1909878433) About the Book: This important book examines human discourse back to the Stone Age, tracing the origins of human communication over the last six hundred thousand years, when we were only hominids in caves. It was here that our original language groups got to grips with meanings and their audible representation when taming fires. It was a cold and hostile world, and the lack of warmth led to amorous inclinations, and the need to express them in words. "Ka," they thought echoed the strike of flint on flint, and so the tenderising of raw meat for which they had already been making "hand axes" for half a million years. It is from ka-ka for tenderising with a hand axe that our cooking comes.
Flint knapping also left a lot of waste, so ka-ka came to mean waste. The evidence for this is decoded from an exhaustive forty year research into over a hundred languages, many of them dead ones, where like flies in amber, our original Lithic (Stone Age) language roots are still embedded. This is abstracted from a major work of 600 pages, and there is nothing in it which the layman cannot easily follow. All our languages today (over 6000) bear traces of the original meanings from the "natural" meanings of these sounds, and originated from only a few of these articulated sounds.
Excerpt from the Book:
"Ka, they apparently thought was echoic of the clink when flaking flints. Flints have been flaked for well over a million years, though we do not know who by, and the first ones were not very neatly done. The hand axes found everywhere, were first roughly and somewhat casually struck, often at a kill to butcher the meat. They didn't have any pockets so a hand axe had to be carried in the hand, and they were needed for weapons when hunting, or for defence when on the move. From clink by metaphor the meaning of strike, and frm rthe hand axes struck tenderising of raw meat by striking it, ka ka, chop chop, and from tenderising meat cooking which did it for you. Cooking comes from ka ka. Flaking flints made lots of chips, debetage which was waste so ka ka meant waste as well. From that comes human waste as well, caca today. Metaphor leads to odd bedfellows.
All this evidence comes from over fifty years of research of the etymology of over a hundred languages, most of them dead languages or primitive ones, where like flies in amber our Stone Age, our original Stone Age language roots are still embedded. There is nothing salacious in the tale. It is linguistic history, it simply tells it as it was and is, and it is not going to go away. There is nothing in the book which the ordinary man in the street (and his sister) cannot easily follow. It ranks quite highly in the order of useless information; but then again it has an important indirect usage. If you understand for the first time how all our languages today have come about, the product of human whimsy, you will be that much less likely to fall for some of the sillier alternative views of human thinking increasingly on offer by ideological placemen."
"On the Origins of Speaking: The Discovery of Stone Age Meanings" by Lord Walsingham is currently available in hardback from Amazon UK at:
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