"George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley" by Helen Fox is published

After his parents are killed, George, the Orphan Crow, starts a new life among the lively creatures of Blossom Valley and the enchanting butterflies that live there.
- (1888PressRelease) October 15, 2016 - George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley by Helen Fox,
PRICE: 6.99, PAPERBACK ISBN: 9781785385056
George, an Orphan Crow, starts a new life among the lively creatures of Blossom Valley. But all is not as it seems... an evil ladybird, envious of the butterflies' beauty lures them to a remote place with a wicked plan in mind. George becomes suspicious and flies out looking for them. But is he too late? Has the wicked ladybird already put her plan into action? This original, intriguing story is mainly told by the colourful characters that make up the community and will fascinate readers of all ages.
"A young crow and his parents sat close together, numbed with fear at the dreadful noise that was tearing through Penny Wood.
"Don't be scared mother," George said in a comforting tone. "The hunters are after the pheasants. Crows are no good to them. Maybe the other side of the woods is quieter... I'll go and find out," he whispered.
"Don't!" His mother let out a muffled cry. "It's become far too dangerous."
"I won't be long mother. Father will be at your side," and with that he was gone.
The shooting had grown fiercer. The two crows sat close to one another and watched with dread as pheasants were dropping on the ground in twos and threes, silent resigned to their fate. Their colourful bodies littered the forest floor, the terror of death still in their eyes.
"I can't endure any more of this," said the mother crow, choking. "These merciless humans will shoot at anything. We must find our son. Follow me!"
"Wait! The father tried to beat his wings hard, but horror had numbed his muscles.
Wait for me!" he panted. Then he heard the shots.
"Stop firing!" he cried. "I'm just a crow!"
His cry rasped to a squeak and died in his throat. He felt a dull thud followed by pain, excruciating pain. Then, he plunged into darkness, his body spiralling through the trees before settling on the bed of bluebells below."
About the Author:
For thirty plus years, Helen Fox has lived close to a beautiful park in London, where she can often be found feeding the birds and squirrels. She loves all birds, but always finds herself drawn to crows in particular, for though they are the least loved of all birds, they are very intelligent and charismatic.
During her visits, she found that three crows would be at the same spot each time and before long, she discovered they favoured meaty foods over seeds, so she tried her best to oblige. When one would fly off the grass, the other two would follow suit so she gathered they must be a family; father, mother and perhaps their son?
One afternoon, the crows weren't there and as she sat on the bench and waited, the smallest of the three appeared, landing on the grass, trotting anxiously around. A minute later, he took to the air cawing his little throat out. Was he calling his parents? Were his carks cries of fear and despair, had his parents abandoned him or even worse, been killed?
It was this very scene that inspired Helen to write 'George the Orphan Crow and the Creatures of Blossom Valley.' The story is mainly told by George the orphan crow, as well as other key characters in the community of Blossom Valley, but the enemies who threaten to ruin their harmonious life and take over their land are also given a voice.
This charming story is available as an eBook and paperback and can be purchased from all major online retailers as well as ordered into your local bookstore or library.
Press/Media Contact Details:
Publisher: AG Books - https://andrewsuk.com/contact-us
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Reviews for this book:
5.0 out of 5 stars A beautiful book for children that reading it they will be ...
By D. Katsirea on 3 October 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
This is an enchanting story, very well-written.
A beautiful book for children that reading it they will be carried away in the charming society of birds and animals that revives through its pages with feelings, and situations similar to the human ones, but where justice and kindness, as well as fairness will provide them with elements of life that could be useful. I am an adult, I bought this for my nephew, but I could not resist reading it, and I got so much enjoyment from it that I want to read it again.
Highly recommended.
5.0 out of 5 stars A lovely story for young... and OLD :)
By Lydgate on 20 September 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
A charming tale of adventure and suspense. I read this to my 9 year old son and I was as rapt by the story as he was and impressed by the quality of the writing. It was lovely spending time in Blossom Valley, which was so vividly drawn, as were the memorable cast of characters living together as a community. My son is looking forward to the next instalment, and so am I!