"Conscious Revenge" by L. J. Greatrex is published

Book 1 in the Hackers thriller series of novels.
- (1888PressRelease) December 13, 2016 - ISBN #978-1540377586
About the Book:
The stark realisation that his attempt to rescue his ailing marriage using his extraordinary skill with computers had turned into a fiasco of epic proportion, William Forester quickly realises that in order to survive his assailants attempt to remove him from the face of the earth is to fight back the only way he knows.
Several plans are hatched in an attempt to regain not only his life but also the spoils of his less than honest hacking. Some if not all of these plans need to be successful but he is aware all of them will test his resolve.
Excerpt from the book:
"I tried desperately to put together a plan but it was hopeless. The blood from the fall had congealed around my left eye and it was hard to think with the pain in my head. Whatever the outcome, I felt helpless to do anything about it. All I could do was lie here staring at the top of the hole without a clue how this would turn out.
In the darkness, thinking about how much I had to lose didn't help. It seemed to me I had more than most - a fortune in the bank, a wife and children I adored. It was then that it began to dawn on me getting the money was probably the reason I had ended up here in the first place. This thinking made me feel worse. I was wet, freezing cold, injured and unable to move. How could I feel any worse? Then the thought of drowning or being buried alive occurred to me."
Amazon reviews:
5.0 out of 5 starsGood contemporary thriller
By Wordly Traveller on 30 Nov. 2016
I really enjoyed this book. The action takes place in the Cayman islands, where a hacker seeking revenge works with his college friend to take down the Wests' business empire. He starts by rigging the gambling games in the casino on their cruise liner, before trying to get his wife and children back who think he's dead.
The action is fast-paced and the dialogue is entertaining.
I'm looking forward to reading the next book in this series of hackers novels.
"Conscious Revenge" by L. J. Greatrex is available in paperback from Amazon UK at:
The e-book version is also available to download from:
Press/Media Contact Details:
Contact: Darin Jewell (L. J. Greatrex's literary agent)
Managing Director
The Inspira Group Literary Agency
London, UK
darin ( @ ) theinspiragroup dot com
tel. UK +208 292 5163