"Apocalypse 2015" series authored by Mark F. Kalita released on Kindle for sale on KALITA.com

Mark F. Kalita announces the release of his new series entitled, "Apocalypse 2015" in with three books about the 'End Times' entitled "End Times 2014", "Apocalypse 2015" and "Revelation 2016" exclusively on Kindle for $0.99 each.
- (1888PressRelease) August 05, 2014 - With his recent findings researching ancient biblical texts for an apocalyptic science fiction trilogy, author Mark F. Kalita today released the series "Apocalypse 2015" this past week as an exclusive Kindle eBook through Amazon.com. Through his research into the ancient prophecies of Daniel, Isaiah, Zachariah, Malachi and Revelation, Mark was so taken aback by his findings that he realized the world should know about the clock of the prophets and how it is pointing to this generation.
"The only way to understand these ancient prophecies is by the understanding of the Judaic calendar of the Shmita," states Mark in a recent interview. "The numbers 3, 4 and 7 are very important to understanding the workings of the prophets. These numbers, along with the system of the Sabbath, pointed to the crux of the prophetic timing for the 'End Times'. But, through my research, not only did I find that 2014 was the start of this 'End Times', I found the times of the testimony of the first anointed one, Yeshua the Nazirene, as his 'End Time' surrounded the third Jewish Temple in 35 CE and the subsequent destruction of Jerusalem."
While many 'End Time' fanatics dwell upon the wrathful elements found within the prophecies, this series of books, entitled "Apocalypse 2015", concentrates on the Archangel Michael and the battle that has been raged with the dragon of old, that representative symbol of our separation and our egotistical desires. Within this series, the Light of Michael is shown so that the people of the earth may understand the truth when he attempts to lead them into the coming era of peace, truth and altruistic lovingkindness.
Mark not only shows how the prophecies of Daniel expose 2014 as the beginning of the 'End Times', but he also shows that the Archangel Michael has given clues to his incarnation in this generation through varied sources. Michael, along with the other archangels, have been in a battle for truth since the dragon was cast down to the earth 5775 years ago. Throughout his many incarnations, the Archangel Michael has provided guidance towards the Light of 'everlasting life' to the people of the earth.
"While the prophecy of the book of 'Revelation' holds that this incarnation of Michael will result in him being mocked, ridiculed and eventually put to death for the testimony of Light that he brings to the people of the earth, it is my hope that this incarnation will not be like his last and the Tree of Life will be opened while Michael still stands," Mark discloses about his findings. "The two anointed ones are a fascinating study in Judaic literature. Not only are they found within the Roman "Testament", in sharp conflict with the Roman dogma, but they are also found within the "Qu'ran". The first anointed one was Yeshua and an unnamed, future Apostle-Prophet, the UMMI is the second anointed one. As the "Tanakh", "Bible" and "Qu'ran" all stem from a chronological stream of communications by Michael and the archangels through a form of meditation and enlightenment, the core of all ancient religious texts can now be understood. As these findings are true, the archangel Michael is currently standing upon the earth and will soon be made known to the world."
As the coming Jewish year is a Sabbath year and, not only do the findings show the dates of the 'End Times', but within this book the Archangel Michael is exposed as the architect of our journey throughout history. The current cycle that the peoples of the earth are in, that of war, deception and greed, will give way to the 'Golden Age' of peace, truth and altruistic lovingkindness with the soon to be waged battle of Michael and his emissaries of Light. This battle of Michael and the archangels will be nothing that the world has seen as the Infinite Light of God is brought into the darkness of the world and a choice is given to the people. Follow Michael and the archangels into the Light or continue in the darkness of your creation.
"Many of the 'end time' fanatics have made errors in their calculations and understandings based on the errant knowledge based in the apostasy that has gripped this world in the epoch of war, deception and greed that we are in," Mark explains. "The understandings contained within this book will not only repair that breach, but it will also prepare the world for the truth of the mission of Michael when he will will stand up and deliver the children of the people to everlasting life in the 'End Times' beginning this year. This story has not been told because the world has been gripped in the apostasy of Rome, the 'One World Religion' of money, and the error of ego and the egotistical desires for power that all human beings strive for in this dark aspect. When Michael shows the world the true Light, those entrenched in the temporal will not understand the true 'Spirit' of which they are."
"I actually found the 'End Times' are now and that the archangel Michael is living among us again," Mark concludes. "It probably doesn't surprise anyone with the state of the world. From school girls captured and sold into slavery by the unbelievers, to Israel fighting over the Gaza again, to the resurgence of Ebola and the black plague, the world knows that the heavens are preparing for something fantastic."
This series, "Apocalypse 2015" is self-published by Mark F. Kalita and is available exclusively on Kindle. The three current books, "End Times 2014" which shows the timing of these 'End Times', "Apocalypse 2015" which discloses the true knowledge of the heavens, and "Revelation 2016" which shows the book of "Revelation" as a guide to 'Spirit', are available for $0.99 each through Amazon.com and can be found at http://www.KALITA.com http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M6AMBGS or http://www.amazon.com/author/markkalita.