£300 Shares posted on eBay today are likely to be worth £125k EACH in under 12 months

A Look At Microsoft In 2012 - Surfaces Become Smarter. Cupboard Doors, Kitchen Worktops and Walls All Begin To Feature Internet Accessible Touchscreens. Could This Mean Massive Data Plan Bills ? Perhaps Not Thanks to BluFi. A British Start-Up Technology Company That's Discovered A Way Of Getting You FREE Internet Access Forever.
- (1888PressRelease) December 11, 2011 - Trusted Advertising (Soon to be branded BluFi) is a London based digital marketing agency that came about following a recent discovery made by Trusted Office in the area of digital marketing and telecommunications.
Through many innovative global projects the highly talented team have discovered a huge market opportunity which incorporates Bluetooth, 3G (soon to be 4G), WiFi, Social Networking, SaaS and advertising to bring devices internet for FREE. That's right, internet for free. No subscriptions for the user and later next year even the hardware itself will be free.
Don't fear telecommunications providers, your revenues will actually go up not down as each device or surface that gets BluFi enabled with this technology will inevitably become a source of income, which goes from the advertisers, to BluFi and then to the telecom providers.
The BluFi management team foresee this emerging market generating a £500M+ revenue channel between the UK telecoms infrastructures and UK advertisers within 12 months for which BluFi expects to seize 50% of that revenue through a newly developed platform giving the new company a 125M profit within the next 12 months.
With 102 shares remaining at the time of this publication this is an unmissable opportunity. Further still if the shares sell-out quick enough BluFi will restructure shares creating 1Million new ones which will go onto eBay just in time for Christmas. No doubt, if the BluFi achieve this investment approach off, these share certificates will be the ultimate Christmas gift for 2011.
It's all very straightforward. Buy however many shares you'd like on eBay and receive your shares certificate in the post. Once you're a shareholder keep an eye on our websites for news of our quarterly meetings where profits and dividends will be disclosed. * Each share also has voting rights so participation in key decision making each quarter is also possible.
Here's a little reason why the 1,000 shares are valued at £300 each;
Google AdSense is a self-service platform giving its users a quick way to monetize their website with Ads. Google turned $10Billion from this platform alone this year.
The AdSense platform works by procuring small areas on its users websites, which automatically gets auctioned off to advertisers. On average AdSense users receive $5 per 1,000 visitors to their website.
Advertisers then use a separate self-service platform called Google AdWords to submit ads to these sites which resulted in an additional $30Billion for Google this year. On average these advertiser experience a 1.1% click-through rate of ads they submit.
BluFi Platform users receive £30 for every 1,000 visitors they get.
Advertisers using BluFi experience a 24% click through rate.
In addition to this performance BluFi have a project under-way to increase the average click-through rate to nearly 40% which will quickly increase revenues.
Similar to AdSense the platforms will also have a self-service websites portal.
Any remaining shares in Trusted Advertising Ltd can be purchased on eBay, but snap them up quickly as there's only a few left. http://t.co/bNTUby7C